Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [modal v] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A 6mm diameter shank means a 7mm — wide blade is the most that will slide up into the handle , and that ca n't cope with big screws .
2 The love nest he had conjured out of so little would make up for all her pain .
3 Perhaps this would turn out to be one of them .
4 Whether much good would came out of closer formal links between social workers and general practices very much depended on the general practitioners ' attitude .
5 Out of seventy children in the village school only sixteen could go on to further education after the age of ten or eleven .
6 It was impossible to believe that anything clean and new and mechanically efficient could come out of this place .
7 Analysts reckon a sale of Ever Ready could raise up to £140m .
8 Often this can lead on to valuable work on the subject of bias in documents .
9 ‘ Of the 250 youngsters in the fifth year , we hope about 100 will come back in September to do A-levels or a one-year course , ’ Clement-Jones says .
10 Weighed down by a burden of ‘ domestic Sorrows & external disappointments ’ that threatened to overwhelm him , he turned once again to Tom Poole — ‘ my dear , very dear Friend ’ — and on about 15 May set off in the carrier 's van for Stowey .
11 Well that was one would stand against the wall and about four would get down like that and you had a team say of five .
12 Well that will come in to the meeting as well .
13 Today JR will turn up at the Borders roads committee meeting in a Pringle of Scotland creation , complete with Saltire design , as worn by the golfer Colin Montgomerie at last year 's Scottish Open .
14 Very clearly then , we 've got a proposal that we do n't pursue that option , which we 've paid the len rent this year , we 've paid the lease this year , so we ca n't backtrack on that , but maybe that 'll come up for future discussion .
15 I intend for fifteen twenty minutes or so , not to get into the issues of policy because you 've all got your own particular interests in that particular field and maybe that will come out during the course of the question and answer session .
16 But if they go straight through , well then that 'll go through to the Spalding tax office .
17 Then that 'll go through to Turners so I mean it could be like a fortnight after they 've been okayed .
18 And er th so er if I 'm interested in er George Bush 's illness , you know , and that 's one O four I 'll put in one O four and then that will come up on the screen .
19 It 's a lucky force of archers indeed that can stand up to a determined push by even indifferent infantry in a long melee .
20 Yet this would bump up against the western world 's self-serving policy of subsidised farming , which explains a lot of its enthusiasm for shipping grain to Africa .
21 Let's hope the ms strikes lucky this time , otherwise this could go on for generations .
22 Plantations outyield by almost 10 times managed ‘ natural ’ forest and these pines have a long fibre suitable for pulp , but hardwoods , notably Eucalyptus spp. yield higher total amounts of dry matter , and the most productive may yield up to twice that of the best pines .
23 Status . — Scarce but regular winter visitor ; a very few may pass through on passage .
24 Organisms that released spores when they were too young or too old would end up with fewer descendants than rivals that built up their strength and then released a massive number of spores when in the prime of life .
25 Occasionally Valiant would patrol down to the West Country and less frequently round into the Bristol Channel and other parts of the West Coast .
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