Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] i [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 However , I realised that his chances of racing that year were only 50–50 and I told the owners this .
2 In a cinema , for example , although you would no doubt forgive me if I shouted ‘ Move ! ’ at you if I had seen that a heavy chandelier was falling on to your head , you might not be so tolerant if I used the same formulation , requesting the same action , if you were simply obscuring my view of the screen .
3 ever so old and I lost the thing
4 I 'm so much happier since I made the decision .
5 And attendance is much better cos I think the message is finally getting across now .
6 I felt so good that I decorated the hall .
7 Of course they would for a start , I have n't done anything , all that sort of business , but he was extremely good and I think the reason that he 'd got admissions quicker than we did , was partly by virtue of the fact that he was the boss of the department .
8 Both my parents were addicts , so I get so angry when I see the way that drug users are portrayed .
9 ‘ They are not so appealing that I relish the idea of seeing them again , ’ Murtach retorted .
10 ‘ It is only fair that I take the criticism .
11 ‘ I am so disappointed because I had the chance .
12 Right alongside were the bows of a ship ; they seemed enormous and so close that I thought the bilge water would splash on our deck .
13 The knowledge which I had acquired from the LCCIEB was so relevant that I enjoyed the course tremendously .
14 Some of the questions are just stupid and I think the symbols are insulting .
15 ‘ The other man 's grass is always greener and I had the opportunity when I was younger to work abroad .
16 He was always vague when I brought the subject up , so I never pushed it .
17 ‘ I am more and more Christian as I walk the unchristian ways of Christendom ’ , he wrote , confessing himself ‘ a conscientious objector with a very seared conscience ’ .
18 Today , Pip Seymour 's articles are most informative and I love the reproductions of his work .
19 Her handwriting was distinctly visible so I rewound the film and stopped it to see what she had written .
20 Bert and Duncan were as uninformed as I regarding the forthcoming events of the programme .
21 I like Mrs Tamm 's silence almost as much as I like the impersonality of my room .
22 I really , I 've never hated people as much as I hate the teachers in this school .
23 Just as much as I disliked the lean , tanned , grinning face that he presented on the comm screen .
24 For as much as I reject the demo mentality , I also despair at the apolitical bipartisanship of our national mainstream parties .
25 Going to give the table a push that was as hard as I pushed the pen and
26 It was n't a case of being fed up with golf , I just get really tired so I put the clubs in the bag and forget them . ’
27 I am running a four speed Range Rover box which was perfectly good until I changed the oil , Now it baulks on first and second , especially from third to second .
28 So I think you know it is a subject that we should , probably should go on to , to discuss it in more detail , but I 'm really concerned because I think the policies government authorities were even accepting .
29 if , if I was really stuck and I had the , the tools , which , I would n't have you see , but if I did have the tools there , then yeah I would be able to do it cos I 've seen Martin doing it quite a few times , so
30 It took place quite a long time ago , it is known as the cessation of the plebs there were two occasions on which the workers of of Ancient Rome and withdrew from the city and their t the terms on which as as far as I recollect the terms of their return where that somebody should write down the law in comprehensible terms and that there should be a special officer , a tribune appointed who could if necessary explain what the law was to them .
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