Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] it has [been] " in BNC.

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1 Wirral Ranger Services principal officer Jim Lester said : ‘ The number of cocklers in the estuary is much lower than it has been , partly due to the cockle beds being reduced .
2 Not all the people who have been called structuralists have been happy to accept the label , but this suggests not so much that it has been over-enthusiastically applied , but that far from being a school or a doctrine , structuralism is indeed a generalized revolution in ways of thinking .
3 The muted colours of Pavlos 's objects derives from the relation of the many cut edges to the printed colours of the paper , which are only visible where it has been spread open .
4 The transcript of the " trial " is so unique that it has been reproduced here in full …
5 Well , erm , I know the forecast is n't quite so brilliant as it has been , I think but
6 But three years later on 27 July 1795 the new head of the Macclesfield company , Abraham Mills , wrote to the new agent Thomas Harrison of Kendal , advising him , alas , that " … the Coniston Mine has for some time been so unproductive that it has been determined to discontinue the working … "
7 In schools , the development of European awareness will have to be built into the curriculum much more than it has been so far .
8 Northanger Abbey is only tolerable because it has been modernized ; like Sir John Soane , Jane Austen clearly feels that survivals of medieval ecclesiastical architecture are ‘ little calculated for the common habits of life ’ .
9 It is our wish , as ever , to build better relationships with these agencies , and develop levels of mutual confidence to a point where the flow of information would be much greater than it has been .
10 For short chains the relationship is no longer valid and it has been shown that if T g is plotted against log x , where x is the number of atoms or bonds in the polymer backbone , then three distinct regions can be identified for a number of common amorphous polymers ( figure 12.11 ) .
11 Inside Newark 's award-winning display hangar , Prentice T.1 VR249 is receiving a repaint , the silver finish achieved being all the more remarkable because it has been rollered on , not sprayed .
12 The recent liberalization of legal services which allows more people to do conveyancing may make it even more important than it has been hitherto .
13 One of the dangers of the current climate for admission , which makes it more difficult than it has been in recent years for students to get into universities , is that the concentration is on the techniques of application , rather than on what lies behind the mechanical process .
14 For such cream cheeses moulds are not strictly necessary , although the cheese looks more presentable if it has been pressed in a muslin-lined basket , a heart-shaped mould , a cake tin pierced with holes , even an expendable carton or a flower pot — always provided that the essential lining is not forgotten .
15 The problem list is likely to be most useful if it has been jointly formulated by the patient and the therapist ( p. 70 ) .
16 The last is probably the most important since it has been observed time and again that , during constitutional treatment , old symptoms reminiscent of previous states of health tend to recur , until a state of health can sometimes eventually be achieved where the only illnesses experienced are those common to childhood , such as coughs , colds , sore throats and skin rashes .
17 ‘ As a matter of fact , ’ said Owen , ‘ I think you may find that in future that party is not quite as strong as it has been . ’
18 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
19 ‘ All groups have said we will review it in September and there is a general feeling that the charge should not have been set as high as it has been . ’
20 For instance , Yadin Dudai in Jerusalem , amongst others , has exploited the behavioural and biochemical possibilities opened up by mutations amongst fruit flies ; for him and some other neurobiologists Drosophila has become as popular as it has been for most of this century for geneticists .
21 It 's still as pure as it has been for thousands of years . ’
22 The selection of documents to be saved for posterity is as essential as it has been for the last 30 years ; it is not so much that computers can not store everything ( storage capacities are continuing to develop exponentially ) , as the consideration that to conserve everything makes the past unmanageable and impenetrable .
23 If our climate continues to be as mild as it has been for the last couple of winters we may yet challenge our French and German competitors ! ’
24 Terry Clarke , branch secretary of the Netherton and Sefton British Legion Club , said : ‘ I 'm really pleased that it has been found .
25 Yes , the going will be slow tonight but erm not as slow as it has been in the past erm so it should be good .
26 It seems that the outlook for smaller businesses may not now be as bleak as it has been so recently . ’
27 The NPC ended its annual session yesterday by passing all laws and reports put before it , but dissent was far greater than it has been in the years following the 1989 crackdown in Peking , which Li played a leading role in .
28 Goody himself seems to suggest that ‘ restricted ’ literacy is indeed the norm in all societies except later classical Greece , thereby undermining somewhat the significance of these general applications of the term : ‘ Nowhere was the impact of literacy as radical as it has been in classical Greece .
29 The city this morning is relatively calm , far quieter than it has been on many days in recent months .
30 I mean today I 'm not gon na open me shopping on the bus but I mean it 's not nearly as bad as it has been
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