Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Runs back to her lair , if I so much as breathe about the past .
2 Next day , at the mum-and-toddler group , your gentle , chatty child turns into a little monster : she spitefully destroys another child 's sandcastle , throws a tantrum when she ca n't have the toy she wants , or screams in terror if you so much as walk across the room away from her .
3 A beating system is employed so that some rabbits , especially those that escape behind the beaters , are shot while others are flushed forward to be killed by carefully-positioned waiting guns .
4 It flickered and flew along the elding , and then burst into smoke , so thick and foul in the throat that I was fain to get on my knees behind a boulder , for the wind out of the cove sent it downhill …
5 Looking at the intervals from which the scale is built , there are only two that differ from the major scale : the 3rd and the 7th .
6 From the results of medical evidence it is blatantly obvious that lead in the atmosphere must be reduced .
7 The intermediate group lacks any strong class identity because of the range of occupations within it , and because many of its members become socially mobile and move into a different class .
8 Tens means more running rugby and more rough and tumble for the top 16 sides in England .
9 I do n't think I ever saw J[ack] work more than half an hour without the cry of ‘ Barboys ! ’ — ‘ Coming , dear ! ’ , down would go the pen , and he would be away perhaps five minutes , perhaps half an hour ; possibly to do nothing more important than stand by the kitchen range as scullery maid .
10 All liners are installed in a broadly similar manner , those made from polythene being spread out on the lawn in the sun for an hour or two before installation in order to become more supple and mould to the excavation more readily .
11 HARDLY surprising that some members of the public are increasingly frustrated with our apparent unwillingness to make our product more available and complain through the various channels open to them .
12 O. valenciennesi rufescens differs from O. valenciennesi Lyman ( Challenger Stn 192 off Kei Is 236 m ) in the following respects : the disk spinelets are not as rugose as those of O. valenciennesi and the adoral shields do not or only just separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate , those of O. valenciennesi are more wing-like and extend to the genital slits .
13 It made me look at myself again with a more critical eye and say yes , I can be more positive and look to the future with renewed optimism .
14 Anyone of a moderately sensitive disposition , who is not in the thrall of what Aldous Huxley termed their ‘ idiot monologue ’ of petty rigmarole , but who is sufficiently inwardly tranquil and open to the influence of the landscape , can not fail to be struck by the uncanny quality which the chalk ‘ breathes out ’ at different times of day under particular atmospheric conditions .
15 The distal oral papillae are also spine-like and arise on the adoral shields , in some specimens they may be absent .
16 Paul gets deeply drunk at a New Year 's Eve party , where those friends who already have children get wheezily maudlin and dilate on the sheer cost of small kids versus the sheer joy of small kids ; while those who do n't have kids elbow him constantly , calling him a bit of a sharp-shooter , a devil , a sperm-bank , a prong , a peopler of nations and an irresponsible git .
17 The remainder of the chapter selects three topics which are , in the author 's view , the most Important and/or mature in the field : homogeneously broadened single-mode lasers , passive resonators , and inhomogeneously broadened lasers .
18 You pull the chain down really low and pee on the edge of them .
19 These rules are fairly complex and depend on the size of the estate .
20 He kissed her again , almost shyly , as though they had not so recently been as intimate and close as a man and woman could be .
21 All proof , American lawyers were saying this week , that the judicial system in Brooklyn is ‘ as crooked and suspect as the one in Simi Valley , Los Angeles . ’
22 The choices ahead are as drastic and clearcut as the choice between trad jazz and new jazz .
23 She says mostly they 're the soul of courtesy — embarrassingly polite and come to a grinding halt …
24 The Act which he had just steered through Parliament faced Emanuel with difficult choices : should it remain fully independent and operate outside the State system , or should it be incorporated within the local provision of schooling and become a voluntary-aided school ?
25 The other could think of nothing to tell to either corroborate or add to the mystery .
26 The old house was once again golden and mellow in the sun .
27 ‘ Let's not be too hasty and come to a conclusion before we 've got all the facts . ’
28 ( 'She was very tall and lean as a post …
29 You can either be very timid and start in a small way , building it up gradually and expecting to make a profit in the first year .
30 Not that these two , makers of last year 's spunky , delirious , wankable ‘ Love And Life ’ album , are likely to get one , this being too bass-heavy and reggaeish for the world of Our Tune .
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