Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By the end of the year , the shipping trade was badly depressed and he was forced to confess , despite his brave words in public , that " the power of the union had practically been destroyed " .
2 I 'm going to school dead brainy and everyone 's going
3 But it would look a little odd if we were to start an official inquiry into his origins and background now .
4 To say , in the abstract , that birds have a right to fly seems to me rather foolish if it be taken as saying more than that most birds fly naturally .
5 This view appears disarmingly general but widely acceptable when it is stated as the idea that any economy has to be seen as only one part of a structured world system .
6 But the point is that if , if musicians go to service , they know there 's enough readers and if the musicians decide to take on part of that reading one service , surely it 's only courtesy for the musicians to say to the readers , whose lists are published months in advance , terribly sorry but we 're gon na do this this time , and do you mind stepping down ?
7 And then , in a day or two , she 'd say the homesickness was getting worse , that she was terribly sorry but she was going to have to leave Rome .
8 Readings were only normal when I was walking , perhaps because of the tendency of exertion to increase body temperature .
9 In their last wage packets , Harvard did not pay the £2,000 or so each that they were expecting .
10 They are interrupting my fixed gaze into the third ring of the electric fire , or my autistic pacing around the living room , as I try to determine whether the print that I thought was beautiful is in fact so vulgar that it is lying in wait to expose me to ridicule .
11 Ethnic differences are so striking that they are described separately in Chapter 12 , although there are a few references in the text below .
12 Two other projects were so outstanding that it was decided to declare them as Commendations , both co-incidentally going to DH Mosquito work , the Mosquito Aircraft Museum 's completed restoration of TT.35 TA634 and the Night Fighter Preservation Team 's on-going restoration of NF.IIHJ711 .
13 On the rare occasions when you stumble on a pub whose ‘ chef ’ has qualifications beyond O-level microwaving , the surprise is so pleasant that you are guaranteed a feel-good eating experience that few established restaurants can match .
14 The impact of such SPLs from a unit as small as the DSP is pretty impressive , but it 's difficult to determine what 's merely loud and what 's subbing its way into your psyche …
15 The area was highly unsuitable as it was considered a watershed for the Lee Valley .
16 But what is included is less revealing than what is excluded : all the excessive elements of working-class consumption that refuse to fit neatly into this socialist continence — Stanley knives , lurid cocktails , Blind Date , trash videos , tabloids , bingo , heavy metal , Club 18–30 …
17 The manager , Paul Bennett , explained that they all felt so low when it was discovered that the baby had been murdered .
18 At home my temperature had followed the expected pattern , but here readings were so low when I was resting , even at midday , that I often kept the thermometer in my mouth for fifteen minutes in the hope that it would rise .
19 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
20 Eliminating between these equations gives or on separately equating the real and imaginary parts The second of these two relations simplifies to and substitution of this condition into the first yields Equations ( 8.34 ) and ( 8.35 ) , representing the conditions that must be satisfied to procure total rejection , become much simpler if it is assumed that , for they then reduce to Evidently , if and , total rejection occurs at a frequency close to .
21 It is especially weak when it is pulling against the expectations of firms and consumers , and when it is implemented too late .
22 Do n't you find it so terribly annoying that he 's walking round not paying his poll tax ?
23 It is quite acceptable to ask to sample before you buy , although this is only possible if you are purchasing over the counter .
24 Luckily the weather was so awful that nothing was flying , so there was only routine work to attend to .
25 I was always terribly shy and I was sent to what were known as elocution lessons — to get me out of myself .
26 I 'm so sorry if I 'm disturbing you .
27 The monitors alone are so loud that I am baffled as to how the crew operate without some type of semaphore system .
28 ‘ You 'd be a lot less hopeless if you were thinking straight , ’ Kathy advised .
29 I thought it would make me feel less helpless if I was opposed by something definite .
30 I may be entirely wrong but I 'm going to be reading those when I 'm allowed to put my hands on a copy finally .
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