Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Harwell says it 's own readings are much lower and insist there 's no danger to the public .
2 They have been warned that the chances are only 50:50 but know it is her best hope of life .
3 Houghton does not think Gedge is overtly prim and feels he is sometimes quite tetchy and a difficult person for music writers to interview .
4 Heat it in a jug of hot water until it is just warm and check it 's not too hot by testing a drop on the inside of your wrist .
5 Visiting teams from the Soviet Union , United States , German Federal Republic and France all stare bemused on arrival , and they become even more astounded when told it is the only indoor facility in the country .
6 Impressive though the egg trick is when successfully completed , it is even more spectacular when botched it is amazing how much floor and wall surface can be covered by one small cylinder of albumen and yolk .
7 He 's also stupid and thinks he 's clever .
8 Prof Carter described the laboratory evidence as really dramatic but said it is too early to say whether the same effect can be produced in patients .
9 You can sell a house by saying it 's near to the station , or the shops : or you can be really eccentric and say it 's a life giving spa centre with its own magic water source .
10 Bearing that in mind , it is tolerably clear that conduct which is itself tortious is always unlawful means .
11 Much worse to begin too soon and realize one is inadequately prepared than to begin too late and realize one is over-prepared .
12 The victim 's mother later attacked the sentence as being too lenient and said she is considering an appeal .
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