Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So this damping down of the sensory input when attention moves elsewhere can occur very early in the pathway from the sense organ to the brain .
2 Pay in the professional grade of the civil service is better at starting than in the administrative grade , and it is only one step down at the top .
3 The biggest Orcs of all are the Warbosses and Warlords , but there are some almost equally big Orcs who consider themselves just one step down from the great leader himself .
4 Nigel Duerdoth of the National Federation of Housing Associations thinks that the new payment system for hostels is ‘ most likely to break down in the inner cities — the areas where stress is greatest and hostels are most concentrated and needed ’ .
5 However , by the autumn of 1992 , both the government and other experts were predicting that the continuing recession would lead to a still more rapid slow down in the growth of government revenue .
6 Curzon was more difficult to drive down to the provinces .
7 Students seem much more inclined to knuckle down to the work and not get involved in quite such dramatic protests as they were before .
8 it is also helpful to note down on the card idiomatic phrases using the lexical item in question , or illustrative sentences to show its range of meaning .
9 Social workers and their managers are clearly ready to knuckle down to the task of making the policy work for users .
10 She was always writing on little pieces of paper , which she kept in a locked drawer in her room , and every morning she got up surprisingly early to go down to the kitchen .
11 Despite the growth of the disabled people 's movement these paper professionals still think it quite normal to sit down round the table and decide what 's best for us .
12 You had a bath , and some time around ten-thirty went down to the kitchen wearing your dressing-gown and slippers to make yourself a mug of Ovaltine .
13 They eventually approached Berwick from the north-west , rounding the skirts of Halidon Hill , and from there able to look down on the grey town at the wide mouth of Tweed , two miles off .
14 By first establishing a formal highpoint , the critics are then able to look down upon the content , ‘ objectively ’ pointing out the division which they claim exists ( which in fact they have helped to construct ) between the two .
15 On the Sunday , regulars from Manchester 's Most Excellent partied down in the Rover 's Return in an enjoyable one-off hostessed by a leopardskin-clad drag version of Bet Lynch .
16 If a visit there had been less pressing she 'd have been very willing to cuddle down into the comfortable bed and let sleep blank out her problems for a while .
17 They won because Gloucester , brave and energetic and often on top in the second half , took too long to close down on the former Eire winger Jeff Chandler .
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