Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You know the old adage that , I mean one of the reasons is it 's so much easier to come up with a scandal , to come with a rats in the basement or something like that and intrigue people , than it is to come up with some , the positive angles .
2 The key is not so much to end up with the right plan as to engage in strategic thinking .
3 Only 2,222 turned up at the Vic for the 3–1 win against Exeter on Tuesday well below the average attendance for the season , 3,500 .
4 ‘ I informed everyone in local league cricket , including 21 clubs of Asian boys , but only three turned up for the first week .
5 Because the elite , through their superior wealth , are better able to live up to the so-called modern values , which are all the more costly to support because of their external source , they are further differentiated from the poor .
6 In the longer term the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees tried to help individual farmers to eke out an adequate living , encourage the organization of small farmers at the village level , and foster the growth of a farming structure better able to stand up to the rigours of occupation than the present one in which middlemen and large landowners dominated agriculture .
7 A tavern in Southwark is , many would say , only one step up from the place you were spirited from . ’
8 There was a different rug on the floor but without the fire on it 's much warmer to curl up on a human .
9 Both sides were finding it ruinously expensive to keep up in the race .
10 Mr Clive Ponting 's acquittal by a jury in February 1985 , after he had admitted to passing official Government papers to a person not authorised to receive them , the very essence of section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911 , and despite the most explicit summing up by the trial judge that they should convict , raises the question of what motivated the jury .
11 Overall what stands out from intercity comparisons such as these is that firstly , London 's difficulties are echoed elsewhere , which is comforting since it is generally easier to put up with a problem if you know that others share it .
12 According to K.M. Briggs , hobyahs were ‘ terrified of dogs , and with good reason , for they were finally all eaten up by a large black dog ’ ( from The Fairies in Tradition and Literature ) .
13 The person in the centre who is most likely to link up with the systems verifier is the SCOTVEC co-ordinator .
14 In other words , the dying mouse is the one most likely to end up in a cat 's stomach .
15 Concrete must be used within four house of mixing , and it is usually easier to keep up with the latter type , which is laid as it is mixed .
16 Much of this consensus , at least nominally , cut across party lines : Beveridge , who formalised the project of ‘ welfare ’ expansion , was a Liberal ; the 1944 White Paper on employment policy was produced under the war-time coalition ; Butler 's educational reforms were also decided in 1944 , but many people thought that the Labour Party was more likely to live up to the promise of reform .
17 Potentially the customer holds the strong cards at this stage of the discussion : the hotelier or restaurateur knows what his business problems are and knows what the computer system is going to have to achieve — and the potential buyer , who has thought this through before the supplier appears , is more likely to end up with the right system .
18 when I want to buy a shirt , that men 's shirts are usually all sealed up in a package
19 I am usually able to come up with an idea
20 The most famous teaming up of the two brothers was in 1973 , with the chart single Frankenstein , a testimony to Johnny 's ability to adapt to a variety of different styles , an ability , in fact , which he insists was born out of necessity …
21 From the window of his room on the top floor of the tenement building , Joe could see down into old Mr Webb 's office at the rear of the shop , and the outline of scores of books were clearly visible poled up against the filthy windows .
22 It is legally possible to build up to the boundary of your ownership , but there are a number of points which should be considered if you decide to do so .
23 Now is the time to have a really good clear up in the greenhouse .
24 It makes me really happy to come up with an observation that I know will hit home .
25 My recollection was that it was £250 for a great deal of work and endless consultations with courteous BBC representatives who were terrified by my refusal to produce a total text ( since I can only give plausibility to anything I say when there is at least an element extemporised ) and refused to accept my positive assurances that I was as unlikely to dry up as the Thames .
26 ‘ That was seventeen years ago and she has n't as far as I know been seen or heard of since ; surely that adds up to a disappearance ?
27 For many people , particularly those brought up under the sway of the Judeo-Christian religions , physical control of emotional expression is learnt at an early age , and by adulthood can be practised to a high level of subtlety and skill .
28 Jukeboxes as we know them today first showed up in the 1940s .
29 For many Arabs the invasion of Kuwait confirmed Saddam as the foremost pan-Arab nationalist leader and the first Arab ruler since Egypt 's Abdel Gamal Nasser who was fully prepared to stand up to the USA .
30 intended to stay , because the immediate reaction to something like that happening is n't necessarily erm , all bad , I mean people are quite glad that they are still alive and they 're quite prepared to put up with the possible fallout of the consequences of that so that they can stay in their own homes .
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