Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I can remember that the most memorable thing that happened to me was when it was Sports day .
2 Teachers were always busy , and many schools put GIST on a rather lower priority than dealing with the impact of unemployment , school reorganization , discipline or curricular problems .
3 But that is to ignore the possible effect of indecent displays on the unwary viewer , which may be to invade the realm of the most private emotions and to play on these in an unsettling and intrusive fashion , utterly without permission .
4 ( b ) Suggest 5 rules for ensuring that the most cost-effective use if made of a photocopier .
5 The filming , which resulted in an eight-minute segment took three days from 8am to 7pm each day and standing in fire gear in the freezing , draughty shell of a building is not Hollywood .
6 These wide orientations underpin and make sense of our second series — certain rather specific texts that represent in more precise manner the Council at its most authoritative .
7 About the most exciting thing that happened to me was knocking some ink over .
8 The Fulham chairman ignored the no-smoking signs around him in the predominantly wooden stand and puffed at his pipe throughout .
9 A much lower rate than predicted by chancellor Norman Lamont on last week 's budget .
10 Goblins are more intelligent than Orcs and love nothing better that trading and bartering with their slow-witted relatives , because they always come out best .
11 Certainly within science they are to be found in a highly concentrated form and used in a far more rigorous and systematic fashion .
12 One body wallows on a barge of pillows , with warmly tousled gaze and smelling of fresh bread ( you 'll get no argument from me there : women are great ) ; the other body lies flat and cold on a table down whose eaves blood runs , like a sunset .
13 So it seemed to us that the the general sense and purpose of the policy was was not in a sense disputed but that er in order to avoid a leng what was considered at the time to be perhaps unnecessary detail and going into erm too much detail that er we felt that the agricultural land policies could be left to perform the sort of main objective that we were seeking through , I think it was E three at the time , was was the proposed policy .
14 We were , of course , concerned with some of the more lethal forms of amphetamine tablets and the more dangerous LSD , although the latter was manufactured in the UK by highly organised gangs as highlighted by the police Operation Julie , later made into a television documentary .
15 Most advocates of biological theories do not express themselves in the same bizarre language and style as Lombroso , and such theories of crime are not merely historical relics that died with Lombroso .
16 He would ‘ age ’ the wooden panels and painted surfaces on which he had lavished so much skill and care by exposing them to extremes of dryness and humidity , direct heat and cold ; and he used controlled violence to inflict scratches and abrasions .
17 When nookey is in the offing bosoms do not so much swell as burst over the lace like a pair of dumplings rising to the surface of a casserole pot .
18 Or rather , they do not so much dance as cling to one another , rocking drunkenly with the tide .
19 As one leading business magazine put it. : ‘ Body Shop 's star in the City is not so much rising as super-glued to the roof of the firmament . ’
20 It is particularly pleasing that so much thought and work by the QC team should generate such enthusiasm from all who saw the results .
21 I never used to worry about getting fat , I supposed that 's one reason I did so much over-eating and got to be 13 ½ stone , which is massive when you 're 5ft 2ins !
22 ‘ Not so much grind as bury in the back of the little bastard 's head if I get half a chance . ’
23 It will not even pass through their minds that I spent so much trouble and thought on choosing the right disease or the most just punishment for my fictional character .
24 Knowing you , Jesus , brings so much joy and hope into my life that I want to share you with everyone I meet ,
25 John Yeudall , who 's been involved in the Community for many years as worker , chairman and elected member said " My feelings about it being stripped is how very little building there is for just so much emotion and feeling in it .
26 You can make do with string , but having spent so much time and care on creating a perfect picture , you might be somewhat annoyed if it fell to the floor and smashed because the string had broken !
27 That the potters devoted so much time and care into applying these techniques would appear to indicate the existence of willing purchasers .
28 Merely repeating policies that worked in the past was not enough .
29 Sometimes , the dis-passionate vocal can express more grief — the wounded , bloodlet voice of a Kristin Hersh , or the muezzin prayer wail of a John Lydon or a David Thomas — an upwardly spiralling peal that emanates from exile , a gaping chasm where SOUL once plumply resided .
30 So they have little screws to , you know , to go into the bone and little er delicate instruments which are highly developed instruments and manufactured by certain pattern .
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