Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] with [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 There 's a choice of five different reels , four of which have three socket outlets which can be used simultaneously ( subject to power ratings ) , all designed with safety as a priority .
2 Also in New Guinea are sympatric birds of paradise apparently dealing with fruit in a similar way , staying in the trees for only a few minutes , perhaps through fear of predators .
3 It has the advantage of offering a small choice of three or four dishes for each course , all cooked with skill by a cheerful Frenchman in a kitchen in full view of the customers .
4 The council 's overstretched housing department can only deal with grants at a rate of £6m to £7m a year .
5 The return of Lady Eleanor with a pile of fine linen shifts scarcely registered with Isabel as a rapid succession of images flashed through her mind : fitzAlan confronting the Empress with that cold , relentless logic ; wounded and feverish in the hut , but still in control of both her and the situation ; swinging his sword with savage , deadly grace at the ford ; leaning over her at the inn this morning ; holding her …
6 erm Sorry , I think we 'll just stick with Faulkner for a moment , because I think that leads us on to the constant tragedies of battle casualties , which were obviously very much brought in into Oxford whenever people were wounded outside they were often brought in to Oxford to be cared for , there was a hospital out of Yarnton too , but a great many were cared for all over Oxford , and the greatest of course were buried at Christchurch .
7 If you just deal with politics at a surface , organizational level , you never understand how things have got to be this way .
8 In his resignation letter , Sir Geoffrey noted the growing difference which had emerged between himself and the Prime Minister on the increasingly important issue of Britain 's role in Europe , and especially on monetary policy , and stated that he now felt that he could no longer serve with honour as a member of her government .
9 Offers were pouring in , my money was increasing by the week and I 'd already signed with A.T.V. for a T.V. show with five other ‘ New Faces ’ acts — Victoria Wood and Lenny Henry among them .
10 However , a different but related interpretation could be : what units are normally associated with measurements of a particular size ?
11 He was fifty-five and still filled with plans for a united Spain .
12 He had not yet finally committed himself to subordinating all his other interests to tragedy , but was still toying with ideas of a wider scope .
13 A hospital 's emergency and maternity units are still threatened with closure after a report failed to ruled out the possibility .
14 THE KEY company in Australian tycoon Alan Bond 's crumbling empire was yesterday threatened with receivership by a rival entrepreneur , John Spalvins , who heads the Adelaide Steamship group .
15 Through the Lousadas Minton was to an extent drawn into a Hammersmith circle of artists which included Victor Pasmore , Julian Trevelyan and Mary Fedden who once danced with Minton at a New Year 's Eve party until she literally dropped , whereupon he gently laid her down on the floor .
16 Two quiet roads lead up to the head of the village ; between them , still bubbling with excitement after a remarkable journey from the depths of Gaping Gill , is Clapham Beck , fringed by trees and crossed by five bridges , on its way to join the River Wenning .
17 This differs from , for example , the position in the UK legislation where dominance is arbitrarily equated with possession of a market share of 25 per cent or more .
18 He was eventually rewarded with work on a prestigious construction project in New Guinea .
19 ‘ Here ’ was the Buda , the restaurant where the great party was to be held , a long , low building , part of it pre-war , and with its outside liberally plastered with posters of a vastly hairy Karl Marx .
20 Dr Eduardo Umaña Mendoza , law professor and human rights lawyer , has been repeatedly threatened with death over a number of months , apparently as a result of his activities in defence of human rights .
21 The original entries for 995 and 996 may have been lost , and it says nothing of the hostile relations which probably existed with Normandy for a time , and only hints at the troubles in the Irish Sea mentioned above .
22 Not only was he heir to the Spencer estates , he also served with distinction as a captain in the Royal Scots Greys during World War Two and , as Equerry to the Queen , he had accompanied the Queen and Prince Philip on their historic tour of Australia shortly before his marriage .
23 He was arrested and , although there was no blockage of the highway , disorder , or violence , he was later charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty .
24 They were both charged with assault on a constable in the execution of his duty .
25 He was also charged with assault on a policeman in Crewe last Wednesday , burglary , criminal deception , theft of a motor vehicle , taking a vehicle without consent and driving without insurance .
26 Kiki Smith , known for her often shocking figurative papier-mâché works , has selected four artists who also work with paper for a show on until 15 August at Fawbush .
27 Denmark Farm now teems with life as a myriad of creatures and plants have rushed back to make their home here .
28 In printed tables , even the comma used to subdivide large numbers into groups of three digits is often replaced with advantage by a small gap .
29 Often printed with patterns with a shadowy outline .
30 These are deep waters , but our cultural future now crawls with signs of a barely rational obsession with great memorial feasts , a never-ending British Day of the Dead .
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