Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] with [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ( The chords shown in Example 83 are limited only to those with the root on C , and are mostly given with notes in close formation .
2 Indeed , conventional hospital wards are rarely designed with people with mental disorder in mind and , even when they are purpose-built , they do not provide a suitable environment for at least three groups of people listed below .
3 In a niche above was a depiction of God the Father toward which Christ below turns with angels on either side .
4 In west Berlin , suddenly presented with armies of new customers by the disappearance of the border , business has never been better .
5 In 1989 , 20% were first marriages for one partner only compared with 12% in 1971 .
6 Yeah , but they have only to do with things like national security and and
7 Ombudsmen only deal with complaints after all other channels have been exhausted , and will ask you to fill in a form detailing the complaint and what action you have taken .
8 Put simply , the brain is being constantly bombarded with signals from different sensory channels .
9 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
10 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
11 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
12 Lord Armstrong wrote in his letter : ‘ We do not apply the arm 's length principle to the national museums and galleries , and we are not on the whole much troubled with allegations of political interference in curatorial or Museological policies … ’ .
13 Shorter floats are more suitable when using cheap nylon yarns , for example , while wool yarns are usually better woven with designs including longer floats giving a lovely raised effect in the fabric .
14 They felt that their students are in the caring field and ‘ ought naturally to empathise with students with severe learning difficulties ’ .
15 So I must say I entirely agree with Heather on this , it seems to me inevitable logic of Freud 's theory and erm my own view is that group psychoanalysis is a contradiction in terms , you can not do psychoanalysis in a group of this and those who say they can I think have n never understood what psychoanalysis is all about and are misleading the public and people pay good money for it .
16 In fact , social and economic circumstances such as poverty , poor housing or unemployment are highly associated with onset of some forms of mental illness , and serve to act as triggers precipitating episodes of depression , anxiety and , in some cases psychotic illnesses .
17 This list could be greatly extended with accounts of successful predictions and explanations made possible by inductively derived scientific laws and theories .
18 In the main courses , steer away from the various stuffed tortillas , some deep-fried and others not , but all topped with loads of sour cream , guacamole and cheese .
19 You 've got to get the ball in the right area to take advantage of them and that knowledge only comes with practice in similar conditions . ’
20 Bobbie ( RH ) : It was better working with pupils from another school 'cos everyone 's good at different things so the more people in the project , the more things we can do .
21 Many people wrongly believed that setaside land would soon bloom with wildflowers like this ancient Cotswold grazing meadow , which is now a nature reserve .
22 It included a flat-rate increase of 65 lire an hour ( nearly 10 per cent of average hourly earnings ) , a progressive reduction in weekly working hours to 40 by 1972 , equal treatment of blue- and white-collar workers when sick , and overtime limits with compensation for lost earnings .
23 The small green envelope with the harp generally came with news of sudden death .
24 Eventually , as has already occurred with Islam in some countries , these countervailing centres of power will challenge governments and sometimes gain control over them .
25 They have attractive names and are very prettily packed with labels like old fashioned botanical drawings , thus making the range distinctive on the shop shelf .
26 The selection criteria used were the same for all patients — namely , each patient was individually assessed with respect to general fitness for function of the anal sphincter .
27 John Strachey finally broke with Mosley in 1931 and became a Communist .
28 Although maybe not too daunting in light observation aircraft such as Piper L–4s , as these could already operate with ease from small fields and open spaces , there would be no advantage in using a large and unwieldy centrifugal launcher .
29 Women 's lesser aggressiveness , for instance , which could be understood as a positive characteristic , is generally associated with deficits in socially-valued traits like competitiveness and achievement motivation .
30 The sweat was dripping from her face on to her breasts which were already glistening with water like orb-shaped fruit in the rain .
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