Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] and [am/are] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But though Athens ' diplomatic interest in the west goes back so early , it seems that Syracuse 's aims of conquest long preceded and are independent of any serious commitment of men or money by Athens .
2 These can be either electric or manually operated and are useful for checking additions and prelisting .
3 First , the kinds of academic skills important in primary schools — especially reading and writing-are those for which girls ' earlier family socialisation may have prepared them better .
4 Approved The modified modules have all been formally approved and are available for use .
5 My favourites are the seedless Thompson raisins for everyday baking and for including in salads and pilafs , and the larger lexia raisins from Australia , which are usually seeded and are ideal for special cakes and puddings .
6 12.8 ) are also listed and are important to direction .
7 There is evidence to support the anecdotal impression that long stay patients both prefer and are capable of living in community settings .
8 Two thousand copies of the booklet ‘ A Guide to Services , Facilities and Interest Groups in Juniper Green and Baberton Mains ’ have now arrived and are available for distribution .
9 They are of high quality , finely carved and are Byzantine in treatment with deep undercutting and drilling ( PLATE 30 ) .
10 Derek Taylor , the council 's director of leisure said : ‘ Generally the open space areas are well maintained and are free from major defects .
11 Architect of the drive towards ‘ People 's Television ’ , Sydney Newman took with him to the BBC his observations on the experiment , which he summed up by saying , ‘ Children of today , who make up part of our vast audience , are well informed and are capable of some pretty sophisticated judgements .
12 Many publishers prefer to deal with the street booksellers rather than the formal bookshops because they are better business : they pay more , are more commercially motivated and are closer to the public .
13 They entertain the elderly and mentally handicapped and are short of clubs .
14 JAR advised that mechanical stages for the M15 microscopes are currently held and are available for use .
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