Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Dines only admitted the charge when it was proven that guns found in his car had fired the shots .
2 Their task is to so translate the text that it speaks with the original intention and force as it did to those originally addressed .
3 This hole is not directly over the fire , lest the rain should extinguish it ; and the smoke therefore naturally fills the place before it escapes . ’
4 The use of dictionary information greatly reduced the task but it did not complete it .
5 Many students told me that they only joined the League because it was the correct thing to do at middle school and at university they maintained their membership for the social functions the League organised , such as outings and dances .
6 The durability of jade alone encouraged the idea that it might prolong life or at least , by protecting the body from decay after death , ensure the possibility of resurrection .
7 The response from colleges greatly encouraged the Council and it was agreed that this part of the Development Programme should be continued by inviting colleges to participate in 1989 pilot schemes .
8 Brooks 's curling drive brought an equally adept save from Carter , while Coleman 's thumping shot skimmed over — after Blissett had quick-wittedly overrun the ball as it came over from Shearer in one of the home team 's brightest moves .
9 for each database details file in turn , it checks to see if that file already exists and only creates the file if it does not exist .
10 Every choreographer must have a motive if he or she is to give proper thought , impetus and significance to the movements made by the dancers whether : they are telling a story ; describing and/or expressing the thoughts behind a theme ; or interpreting music either by expressing personal feelings about the melody and rhythm or by so framing the dance that it parallels the music and reveals its structure .
11 ‘ And that one ‘ undred was only because the grahnd sloped like the north face of Iverest of ‘ e ‘ ad only to tap the ball and it got up faster speed than any fielder . ’
12 Another spur to ‘ clear leadership ’ would be a field ‘ that so captures the imagination that it is of broad interest to society ’ .
13 I said , oh I 'd only have the timer and it let's you do half an hour at a time
14 They only feed the cuckoo because it has successfully manipulated their behaviour .
15 Romanian propaganda could not entirely disguise the fact that it was somewhat unusual for the wife of the president to hold high office herself .
16 He considers that the nineteenth century cases of Camplin , Flattery and Williams accomplished no more than to include within rape sexual intercourse with an unconscious woman or one deceived by a specific type of fraud and that the 1976 Act merely declares the law as it was established at that time .
17 Yet as long as serfdom remained , so did the objection that it was not safe to return hundreds of thousands of trained men to the countryside .
18 In Berchtesgaden , where Hitler had his home on the Obersalzberg , and where he had enjoyed special veneration in former days , the SD reported that his speech on New Year 's Eve merely elicited the response that it ‘ brought nothing new ’ , and there was ‘ hardly any credibility worth mentioning ’ left for his last broadcast speech on 30 January 1945 .
19 The court will only sanction the scheme if it is reasonable .
20 The villagers had laid Father Reynard out on the table and an old woman , tears streaming down her face , was gently bathing the corpse before it was sheeted for burial .
21 If , for example , we find that the flowers in one corner of the garden do better than those in another corner , we make various comparisons between the two sites , and perhaps reach the conclusion that it is the lack of sunshine on the second site that is causing those flowers to do so badly .
22 On a visit to Northern Ireland , he was brash enough to taunt the region that it was a burden on the Westminster exchequer and could be cut off without a penny .
23 This only heightens the suspicion that it is developing nuclear arms . ’
24 No academic libraries since the time of the Travelling Workshops Experiment have successfully applied the strategy and it is most unlikely that illuminative evaluation ‘ in toto ’ will ever get the opportunity to prove itself in academic user education , largely because of the lack of time to pursue it in full .
25 Even a reliable pattern recogniser could only find a word which best fits the script as it appears , having no knowledge to suggest that that word is incorrect .
26 This should lead us to harbour severe doubts about the ‘ scientific ’ nature of such research , since it seems to already know the answer before it goes out to investigate .
27 Hearing people have significantly better recall for items which they vocally repeat at presentation , while deaf people find it more difficult to recall items when they have to overtly repeat the sign when it is presented .
28 Crystal clear 's matting and many of the foams can also be used to finally polish the water before it returns to the pond .
29 If the Commission considers the Regulation does apply , it must nevertheless clear the merger unless it has ‘ serious doubts ’ about the merger 's compatibility with the Common Market .
30 In Routledge v McKay [ 1954 ] 1 WLR 615 , the seller of a motorbicycle incorrectly told the buyer that it was a 1942 model , but the contract was not concluded until one week later and the Court of Appeal held that this statement was not , thereby , a term .
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