Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the [noun] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 If this explained Mason 's reluctance to pressure Biggs in the middle rounds , thereby allowing the American to pepper him with jabs , it can not obscure the possibility that the British heavyweight will always experience difficulty if required to take on a long contest .
2 Not only did the schoolmaster make him move , but he instructed him to transfer all his personal effects from the luggage rack above the seat to the rack on the other side , which takes a particular kind of pettiness , do n't you think .
3 She stood defiantly in front of him , shaking her head , trying desperately to find the words to make him realise that she was tired , due for leave , and really felt he should ask someone else .
4 Of course , she should have somehow found the nerve to divorce him ages ago .
5 He could just imagine the Woman hitting him , smashing at his face in the dark with the butt of her gun .
6 Tithonus directly begs the Gods to release him from their grip and let him die .
7 His first big senior championship victory over 1500 metres at Crystal Palace yesterday convinced the selectors to give him this job in Rome .
8 The client will usually require the engineer to inform him or her of the likely final cost of construction at regular intervals .
9 I was not at all afraid , because I knew I still had the power to calm him .
10 The nurse who brought him home said the sister baptized him herself the very night he was born .
11 He later admitted the loan stretched him to his financial limit .
12 A friend clearly recalls the Princess telephoning him in tears .
13 I also take the opportunity to inform him and the House that the people of Leicestershire have been shattered and appalled by the relevations of abuse in our children 's homes .
14 It was no defence that the accused had a good motive , namely to stop the car obstructing him .
15 I suggested that they should also accept the invitation to take him to visit his new school 's Open Evening .
16 ‘ At first , yes , and he often summoned the Queen to meet him across the Forth , but in the weeks before he died , his visits became less frequent .
17 It was widely believed the committee wanted him , but insiders pointed out he may have been the wrong man for the job .
18 His sister invariably had the power to restore him to good humour .
19 ‘ You could at least let the lad take him down and back , even if you do n't use him . ’
20 She cleaned her plate in the time-honoured way with a piece of bread , then summoned the waiter to inform him she 'd have her coffee next door .
21 He blushed guiltily , but the small part of his brain that had been vaguely monitoring the discussion alerted him to the fact that he had been asked a question by the executive producer .
22 Why else did the locals love him as much as the visitors ?
23 It seems that during a period of good relations between the Spaniards and the native Indians , the cacique of one local tribe had become blood-brother to Balboa , and had actually persuaded the Spaniard to help him prosecute a local war .
24 If an orator , anywhere in the world , publicly challenged the lightning to strike him if he lied , and it promptly did so , we should read about it and be duly impressed .
25 She understood why Johnny had felt saddened when he had learned of their passing , and she smiled briefly as she recalled that she had never found the courage to tell him of the passing of that Empire , too — fearing that such knowledge could have precipitated an apoplectic fit !
26 No wonder he had never allowed the spotlight to catch him full face .
27 History never had the heart to tell him that great keepers use both hands .
28 To the majority who never had the chance to meet him properly , I should like to tell you that he was a merry young man who tempered his quick intelligence with humour , and would , in time , have made worthwhile contributions both to medicine and to the Circle … ’
29 He used to make my life very uncomfortable — abusing me and pushing me around — but I never had the guts to hit him because he was so big .
30 Howard Samuel never had the courage to tell him that he had no recollection of their night-time conversation because of his post-prandial condition , so Randolph always regarded the fact that the licence had been obtained for the Labour Party as a gross breach of trust .
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