Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] i [to-vb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I kept a set of clothes at my Mother 's house — she treated me as a contemporary , so allowed me to do as I wished — and on Friday afternoons , I 'd catch the bus from school to spend the week-end there .
2 Yeah , you were just testing me to see if I
3 Turning to the volume 's introductory pages , I read some encouraging words that at once led me to hope that I might yet track down a few potential search areas that had not already received too much attention .
4 ‘ You had deliberately led me to believe that you 'd picked up a stranger in Bruges , and naturally I had assumed him to be a Belgian . ’
5 He also became disenchanted with the amount of the correspondence ; his replies become shorter and shorter until , in September 1937 , his secretary wrote , " Mr Eliot also asked me to say that he is intending to write to you as soon as he has several consecutive free hours " .
6 lt would also help me to decide whether I should go out with them . ’
7 Adam briefly described how the triple portrait had been slashed and added , ‘ D' you really expect me to believe that you had nothing to do with it ?
8 Do you really expect me to believe that you would n't sleep with André as well ?
9 Do you really expect me to believe that it 's out of respect for my position that you insist on calling me Mr Vass ? ’
10 What you have expressed so far leads me to believe that you totally agree with the concept of ethnic cleansing concentration camps because , unfortunately , such bigoted homophobia suggests equally bigoted sexism , racism and nationalism .
11 ‘ Theodora really sent me to ask if you would care to come to supper this evening on the wherry with Dhani , if you feel up to it ?
12 I was duly slapped down by my more knowledgeable tectonic seniors , and tried to forget the brief publication in question , but later work has now led me to suspect that I might have been right after all .
13 It would n't even surprise me to learn that you set it up !
14 He was exceptionally demanding and my fairly long conversation was that he almost lead me to believe that he had got the job because when he started making comments about putting his grandfather clocks in the church er thirty of them .
15 George Cripps 's son wrote to the Yorkshire Post in October 1979 : ‘ The remarks of Mr J. McKenna make me smile when I remember some of the things which my father told me about the machinations by various members of the then Football League , which have certainly led me to believe that they were not so simon pure as the image they presented to the public . ’
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