Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [be] in the " in BNC.

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1 So really when he well it obviously wants to be in the place where you want it .
2 When I got to the first rehearsal she announced , ‘ You 're all going to be in the Command Performance . ’
3 Because he only had to be in the same room for her nervous system to run haywire , and she could only take so much punishment .
4 I was received as a thief , a well-mannered rapist , bucketless car-washer , double-glazing runner , not to mention corrupt informant that some of them tiles is loose , Ma 'm , and we just happen to be in the area with a long ladder so why not call it eighty quid ?
5 If I 'm going to a meeting where I know I 'm going to be the only woman I put my war paint on , if I 'm just going to be in the office all day I slob around in a skirt and a jumper with very little make up .
6 They just happened to be in the right place at the right time .
7 I said I did n't know the other guys , we just happened to be in the same pub .
8 ‘ I just happened to be in the corridor .
9 ‘ I just happened to be in the right place at the right time . ’
10 We just happened to be in the pool at the same time , that 's all . ’
11 He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time . ’
12 ‘ So long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ he snarled , and , as if he could no longer bear to be in the same room with her , he turned and strode from her sitting-room , through her hall , and out of her flat .
13 Er , I do n't physically have to type out the labels , but I have physically have to be in the office , to initiate the computer sorts , because under something called personal job insurance scheme , I 've layered the sort of routine under a lot of security codes and I 'm only , the only person who knows where they are .
14 He says not going to fight the decision.But will always want to be in the theatre .
15 Benin was there , though , always preferring to be in the car first .
16 I hope you already have newsletter 1 and still want to be in the CCC .
17 I hope you still want to be in the CCC .
18 Detailed empirical work by , for example , Davies and Kramer and Young , focused on the ways in which planners and other public officials managed not only to frustrate the intentions of elected officials but , often in a highly paternalistic way , created strategies which simultaneously operated in their own interests while still deemed to be in the interests of the general public .
19 but of course when religious orders come in they usually want to be in the inner city and , and would n't exactly qualify
20 ‘ Oh , he was very generous to all his friends , but we always seemed to be in the wrong line . ’
21 But women always seemed to be in the majority and the proprietor and his wife , both of whom spoke excellent English and German , could be seen at every hour of the day advising parties of determined-looking women in sensible shoes how to get to St Peter 's or the Piazza Venezia or the English church , or which were the best shops to buy presents and souvenirs to take home .
22 Somehow she always happened to be in the company of someone , Walter , Emily or Durkin .
23 That was why he always had to be in the saddle , controlling everything within his reach with great brilliance and clarity of mind .
24 Some have described her as a 1920s version of much-admired Kate Adie , who always appears to be in the thick of things wherever the action is !
25 The tiborium itself is thought to be a masterpiece of Renaissance art , although it hardly seems to be in the same class as that on Santa Maria delle Grazie .
26 ‘ How did a man like you ever come to be in the Pioneers ? ’ asked the board .
27 ‘ But you know how she always likes to be in the centre of things . ’
28 But Middlesbrough and Cleveland are sending a strong squad , including Steven Helm , Kevin Mace and Glen Harland , while Sunderland 's Dave Clark is also expected to be in the thick of the action .
29 I agree with the Lord of Aberdale that it is vital for the elected representatives on the police authority to be clearly seen to be in the driving seat of the committee .
30 Benefits are also thought to be in the firing line .
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