Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [been] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Also , Edmund may already have been suffering from the illness , or possibly wound , of which he was soon to die .
2 Okay you may not have ever seen him , he may just have been sitting in the car , then remember his colour maybe his moustache and then the type of car he had .
3 Kiraly had been sitting as an independent member of the Országgyülés ( National Assembly ) , having first been elected in 1985 as a radical member of the then ruling Hungarian Socialist Workers ' Party ( HSWP ) .
4 The reader is reminded that all that has been written so far has been dealing with the First and Second Periods into which the development of the Created God has been divided .
5 In the bright mid-morning light he looked , standing there , rather commonplace and even ugly — so thought Alice , who a few moments before had been melting in a familiar ecstasy of admiration for him .
6 The Frenchman from the tourist police the day before had been sitting opposite the victims .
7 One is left wondering whether it was a dream or one really had been listening to a man whose clothes and surroundings were obviously of little importance but who knew more Latin and Greek than one ever had , could quote the classics and poetry , would have one lost in the depths of philosophy , someone who was probably in a Gaelic world of his own and was translating into English for the benefit of his listener although the learning had largely been gathered in that language .
8 A man who suffered severe brain damage during an operation twenty six years ago has been talking for the first time about losing his fight for compensation .
9 Or the link between inflation and unemployment may simply have been operating on a long lag , with the old , high NAIRU returning after several years to smack ministers in the face .
10 There was a fight of some kind going on to my left ; all the people who a minute ago had been fleeing into the bush were just as suddenly pouring back .
11 He was castigating the new Royal Shakespeare production , Peter Brooke 's US , on the war in Vietnam , but he could almost have been talking about the magazine .
12 Tension would then have been growing by the hour , and it must have been hard indeed for the men to keep themselves from being overstressed by apprehension and excitement .
13 But , more than that , his predilection for Neath players deprived the club of their own best talent so that when they would otherwise have been training for the league , instead they were training for the Five Nations Championship .
14 They 'd tasted like shit but they 'd sure done the stuff ; everybody else had been whining about the story while Pete had been lying there with his tongue hanging out .
15 And something like two million people have got to stop doing jobs they should never have been doing in the first place , like er polluting the rivers and the soil and the air , and spying on each other and contributing to the overmanning that there is in East Germany .
16 There were also significant correlations with the actual accident statistics , r(1064)=0.142 , average weekday traffic flow , r(1064)=0.236 , accident estimate , r(1064)=0.278 , the time spent at the junction , r(1064)=0.246 , the number of vehicles visible in the film , r(1064)=0.201 , and the average speed at the junction , r(1064)=-0.118 , all of which are to a large degree measures of how much would actually have been happening at the junction .
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