Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [that] she be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And besides , although the owner of the Rose Bowl presumably realised that she was receiving almost as many flowers as she sold , Folly was fairly sure that Lisa knew nothing of her relationship with Luke Hunter .
2 ‘ I was , ’ she retorted , but swiftly realised that she was doing Cara no favours by snapping in retaliation , and bit back the ‘ but you were n't ’ which begged to be allowed to follow .
3 However , whatever the reason , she suddenly realised that she was feeling far too tired and exhausted to pick yet another fight with Ross .
4 She stopped , suddenly realising that she was letting her ideas run away with her .
5 He was perceptive enough to know that she was suffering from some sort of emotional wound that had nothing to do with him .
6 To check his wandering thoughts he started to ask her to resume her labours elsewhere and finish the surgery when he had completed his own tasks in it — Only to find that she was hopping gently from foot to foot , and was bursting to ask him a question .
7 He suddenly saw that she was crying , though she said it was because of looking at the fire .
8 ‘ The lady prefers not to have us reveal any details , only to say that she is doing this out of love for her late husband , ’ he said .
9 She stopped abruptly , perhaps fearing that she was boring me .
10 So she held back on her questioning , though she somehow found that she was telling him of her love of music and how Janáček 's lively sixth movement was one of her particular favourites .
11 He had already recognised that she was wearing poor clothing , and it was also obvious that she was taking her work seriously enough to sacrifice her privileged lifestyle and live among those of whom she wrote .
12 She already felt that she was learning something about art .
13 The trash , getting ready to protest at this change in plans and then his jaw dropping at his first sight of Lucy ; getting into the cab with him , knowing what she was doing but somehow feeling that she was watching it all from somewhere else .
14 Oh , he had found Maude a little happier , they had exchanged the usual pleasantries , but Cranston still sensed that she was hiding something .
15 She first recognised her call in 1792 at the age of forty-two and at her death in 1814 was still announcing that she was to bear a saviour child , the " Almighty Shiloh " .
16 A respectable woman who has been ravished would hardly feel that she was vindicated by being told that her assailant must go unpunished because he believed , quite unreasonably , that she was consenting to sexual intercourse with him .
17 He could hardly believe that she was letting him go , that he was not to be punished for what he had witnessed in the best room in the middle of the night .
18 She was a popular pupil but somehow she always felt that she was set apart .
19 She still felt that she was floating — or , more accurately , she thought that she was floating precisely because she could n't feel .
20 There was a lot of spit and the teeth bumped into yours which meant that you were spitting chips of enamel afterwards , and she kissed with her eyes open and she had a very bad squint — so you always thought that she was watching something else .
21 But Lesley Beattie , owner of the York-based Friends Estate Agency , yesterday denied that she is biased against male employees .
22 She also says that she is doing the ride again next year …
23 She honestly believed that she was making life easier for Jack , by providing him with a background of home , where not only were meals provided and clothes mended , but his time was also jealously guarded .
24 I would positively swear that she is Panting with desire … to have you living in Bere Regis , running the family brewery — in your spare time , of course ! ’
25 Mr Palmer told the jury of eight men and four women that the pathologist also found that she was carrying a normally developed male child of between 30 and 32 weeks .
26 ‘ You 're a good boy , Wayne , ’ Angelica had said , and they 'd both known that she was meaning for more than just the errand .
27 She was impressed by how elegant she looked , and could tell by her cousin 's walk that Nora also felt that she was looking good .
28 Much surprise was caused in the Swedish trade when it was later announced that she was to head a new educational publishing venture being set up by Sweden 's biggest publishing concern , Bonniers .
29 We knew her and we also knew that she was taking food to a different set of prisoners ; they were beginning to scatter over an increasingly wide area as there was now no hope of an immediate Allied invasion of northern Italy , which was what everyone had hoped for .
30 On the day of the interviews I noticed that Jenny Ball was smartly dressed and in particular I also saw that she was wearing a wedding ring ; an item of jewellery that she seldom wore when I saw her in school on other days .
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