Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [that] [pron] [vb base] never " in BNC.

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1 Gervase , you have perhaps noticed that I have never removed my underpants in your presence .
2 It might not be easy , but even if something has already happened that you have never told before , try to tell now .
3 But for me , soon after the operation , there occurred something so removed from anything I had ever experienced that I have never forgotten it .
4 Will he also recognise that I have never believed that there are no Tories in Scotland , for one Tory has spoken for Conservative respectability in Scotland , and he is the hon. Member for Dumfries ( Sir H. Monro ) ?
5 The ‘ pervasive desire ’ for a cappella solutions has been impelled by the musical excellences made possible by the choral institutions ( all tinged with a Protestant Englishness that most members of the forum probably imagine that they have never espoused ) .
6 So I can honestly say that I 've never known anyone who 's ever played for Leeds .
7 So I can honestly say that I 've never known anyone who 's ever played for Leeds .
8 Baroness Seear , a leader of the Liberal peers for several years , remarks that ‘ I can honestly say that I have never been in a place that treats you better on male-female equality .
9 Few women brought up in India can truthfully say that they have never felt Sharam .
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