Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [that] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was she who eventually recommended that Laura go to a college she knew of — one where she would find an environment supportive of her experience .
2 In fact , Mr Manning has repeatedly stated that he and the party would much prefer that Quebec remain as part of Canada , but not at any price .
3 Of this ‘ unheard of frost ’ one chronicler recorded that ‘ Men felt so oppressed that days passed by unheeded .
4 We must correct this tendency which is almost a cultural problem , ’ Louis Gallois , a leading civil servant told a conference last month , so revealing that planners have at last caught a whiff of their inbuilt handicap .
5 Well Madam Speaker , we 'll start making progress when members opposite realise that jobs come from companies being competitive , from private enterprise being able to sell goods and services competitively and it is members opposite who believe that the state can provide employment on this of the house we believe that government agencies can assist the market to operate effectively and real jobs will come from free enterprise which members opposite stand against .
6 But this conclusion is not particularly illuminating as it merely says that children come into local authority care when no one else can care for them , a repetitive statement we call a tautology .
7 Fundamentally , politicians in our system are almost always guided by two considerations : first , short-term gains , since their horizons stretch only to the next election ; second , public pressure if it is strong enough to suggest that votes depend on their response .
8 And we 're old-fashioned enough to believe that children come after marriage , not before . ’
9 He only knew that Chris worked on the grocery side of the shop , and wondered how he would know him , but his problem was soon solved .
10 Being certified deaf and blind does n't necessarily mean that people live in total blackness or silence .
11 So to summarize that in terms of a of of a kinetic diagram , we can basically write that channels exist in closed and open states .
12 Althusser therefore criticizes the Annales historians for merely arguing that periodizations differ for different times , and that each time has its own rhythms .
13 It was suddenly realized that films dealing with contemporary city life were doing well and the new realism was born .
14 But if you truly believe , and if you 're inspired by a band — and you have to be inspired by something — then I think you should just do your homework , and just realise that life existed before Van Halen … ’
15 It is now generally accepted that words prefixed by pett or pit ( similar to the Welsh and Cornish peth for ‘ thing ’ or ‘ piece ’ ) are of Pictish origin , as in places such as Pitlochry ( ‘ stony share ’ ) and Pittenweem ( ‘ share of the cave ’ ) .
16 The table above shows that schools associated with the project covered a wide range in terms of characteristics such as location ( inner city , suburban , rural ) and proportions of ethnic minority pupils .
17 We generally assume that stress falls on DO when used for emphasis , as in I did see him .
18 You soon find that daylight varies from country to country , or even from one part of a country to another .
19 It is already known that Strauss worked to a system of keys associated with particular characters and situations , but Professor Gilliam identifies his primary concern in Elektra as ‘ establishing a sense of motivic continuity in the orchestral line ’ , thus lending extra point to Strauss 's description of Salome as ‘ a symphony in the medium of drama ’ .
20 It is generally assumed that hypergastrinaemia predisposes to the development of gastric carcinoids through progressive hyperplastic changes of fundic endocrine cells .
21 The positive correlation between B and the ratings of fixed objects thus means that subjects tended to mistakenly categorise films containing many fixed objects as distractors .
22 Suzanne Gibson , now when Marianne just said that women need to be aware of their own power , there was quite an interesting smile that came over your face there .
23 The evidence on child care reviewed above suggests that mothers continue to be an important source of support for their daughters , both in practical ways and by giving advice and moral support .
24 Could I just say that readings taken in this adapted way are called decibels A-weighted , which is a bit sort of technical and silly , but it 's kind of important if you 're measuring the sort of sound that people listen to .
25 They always say that families argue at Christmas — mine do n't much — it 's more me , I think !
26 The law still says that men accused of rape can be bailed unless they have a severe psycopathic or psychiatric disorder .
27 If one takes this attack by Strabo into account , it seems strange that specialists on the ancient sources about Gaul , such as P. Duval , can still believe that Eratosthenes wrote at least thirty-three books of Galatica on the Celts .
28 I hope they will still claim that rain belongs to them when people put in insurance claims for flood damage .
29 They quickly discovered that daylight bombing without fighter escorts was not on , and were also surprised to find that the RAF Lancaster was at least as formidable a fighting weapon as any of their own aircraft .
30 Brazauskas adopted a more cautious line regarding the too rapid dismantling of state industries , although he still emphasised that privatisation needed to be speeded up .
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