Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend the Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) rightly pointed out some of the anomalies that the Minister says he will reply to , such as the marrried student with two children who will receive a 25 per cent .
2 When the fainter member passes in front of the brighter , it naturally cuts off some of the light , and Algol ‘ winks ’ .
3 Zeinab , however , was merely following up some of the ideas she had met in her father 's own circle .
4 One project was to literally find out all of the old age pensioners in town and go along as a group of electricians and check all of their appliances for them .
5 And as I sat on the beach , I idly picked up some of the myriad stones lying on the shore , and one of them surprised me with its remarkable colours — it was pure marble glistening and sparkling with mica particles imbedded in it .
6 They 've already tracked down many of the people who stayed at the guest house over the past week .
7 L : I was noticing — I was down by Queen Street or+the bottom of Hanover Street or somewhere + and they 've just cleaned up some of the buildings down there + and what a difference it makes +
8 I want to give you I 'm going to give each of you , yeah if you just wan na just clear up some of the bits of paper then that 's alright .
9 LocoScript PC Easy cuts out some of the more esoteric features that can usually be found in a word processor these days — advanced layout features such as newspaper style columns , the ability to add footnotes , access to an on-line thesaurus etc .
10 However , it will certainly be true that it is optimal for a risk-neutral party to take all risk from a risk-averse party ( try A or B bargaining with C ) and it would seem sensible that a more risk-averse party should optimally take on less of the risk than a less risk-averse one .
11 The issuing house will underwrite the issue ( i.e. agree to buy up any unsold shares ) for a fee , and will generally pass on some of the risk to sub-underwriters , who are usually large institutional investors .
12 Indoors , though , ordinary window glass generally filters out some of the UV content of sunlight , and the author has never experienced any difficulties of daylight interfering with end results .
13 We 're just putting back some of the blood you lost .
14 Do n't forget membership of the Squash Club also provides you with full membership of the Sportcentre , and therefore allows you to utilise all its facilities , whether it be the new 2nd Nature Gymnasia , the sauna , or just trying out some of the many activities available at the centre .
15 Work on these lines has already cleared up many of the mysteries of the Pleistocene and holds more hope of a final elucidation than any other method known .
16 Erm you already pointed out some of the important points where the gradient gets to zero .
17 The virtuous and those plagued by dogs ( not mutually exclusive groups ) can always walk off some of the effects of a pudding afterwards .
18 Ruehe said the long-term goal was still to roll back some of the Serb gains , as foreseen under a UN-backed peace plan that would divide Bosnia into 10 regions .
19 She ca n't ever get over some of the things people do , things that happen , every day .
20 I was still finding out some of the things which had n't been done during the symposium itself .
21 In the twenty-five years since Tanzania gained political independence , Swahili has gradually taken over some of the functions formerly performed by English , particularly in some areas of education , the media and internal government communication .
22 Words for strong stemming might be filtered through a table of exceptions which are not to be stemmed ( " organism " , " organist " etc ) Strong stemming is an economical but crude way of automatically bringing in some of the halo of see also terms which surround many search words .
23 The surplus of over £15,000 million , ( that is the gross proceeds , less VAT ) , would find its way into circulation , while VAT at 25% would probably make up half of the £M 7,000 needed , making our entire oil revenues surplus to current budget .
24 He has also stumped up some of the cash ( together they contributed 30 per cent of the total package , the rest was provided by banks ) .
25 Doyle appeared in the entrance way to the car park , raised his gun and carefully shot out each of the rear tyres .
26 The City Technology Colleges divert valuable resources of staff and equipment away from other schools where the need for them is great and they also cream off some of the more able pupils .
27 Case law has issued an expansive web of liability , with recent statutory provisions not only confirming these boundaries , but also marking out some of the potential penalties which may be imposed .
28 This paper aims to explore some of the key issues , clearly set out some of the pitfalls , and provoke some deeper thought and debate about how new research can usefully inform resource allocation .
29 The following are the main reasons for including the debtors and creditors in the asset sale : It is probable that the purchaser will have taken over all the books and records of the vendor relating to the business and the purchaser may have also taken over all of the vendor 's accounting staff .
30 You 'd put your hundred and twenty five thousand pounds down , you 'd also put down half of the jointly owned property because you could have dealt with that while you were alive and you 'll end up paying large amounts of inheritance tax .
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