Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [v-ing] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Of course now it 's warm enough to start getting out in the garden , what could be better than to take a selection of water toys to play with in the paddling pool outside ?
2 The coverboy faced a civil suit from the parents of a sixteen-year-old girl he 'd foolishly videoed making out with a women in his hotel bedroom .
3 He dislikes aspects of life with Lancashire , especially the dictate that at certain times he should wear tie and blazer ; he rightly resents missing out on a sponsored car when the county toured Australia ; he recalls verbal run-ins with opponents , including Viv Richards , and believes the Australians ' tough attitude is simply ‘ rude ’ ; and he thinks that many English players are terrified long before they go out to bat ’ .
4 they have this sort of automatic estimating system with key information just goes shooting out to the amazing so , yeah a wee bit about each one would be helpful
5 Norman Cook will never be spoken about in the same breath as Jazzie B , yet ‘ Dub Be Good To Me ’ is one of the hardest records you will ever hear seeping out of a Ford Escort at the traffic lights .
6 Melodramatic examples , like Peter 's clawing up to F sharp on the phrase " We shall be free " while the chorus chants relentlessly on F natural ( Act Two scene one ) , or the foghorn 's mindless E flat against D on " the tide will turn " in the last scene , hardly need pointing out to the attentive listener .
7 That opinion is absolutely in line with that expressed by the people of Kincardine and Deeside who thoroughly rejected opting out at the ballot box .
8 People presently came flowing out of the door and spread between the gravestones .
9 It did n't seem right that Ray Doyle might never again come staggering out of the untidy bedroom , curly hair looking a totally dishevelled mess , eyes bleary , to find Bodie sprawled on the settee , bright and cheery and grinning .
10 He briefly considered lashing out on a taxi , but only briefly .
11 THE Princess of Wales seriously considered walking out on the Royal Family , according to royal biographer Andrew Morton .
12 THE Princess of Wales seriously considered walking out on the Royal Family , according to controversial royal biographer Andrew Morton .
13 So much so that many people internal to Digital never bother venturing out into the big bad world of USENET for their kicks .
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