Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [coord] [adj] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 This signal is so established and conventional that it hardly has to be noticed .
2 ‘ There was a transitional moment of delicious uneasiness and then — instantaneously — the long inhibition was over , the dry desert lay behind , I was off once more into the land of longing , my heart at once broken and exalted as it had never been since the old days at Bookham . ’
3 Much of Taskopruzade 's work is concerned with scholars of the period before there was what might properly be called a learned hierarchy ; and though in his own lifetime a hierarchy of learned offices existed and certainly the basic principles of the hierarchy had been formulated it was by no means as thoroughly elaborated or rigid as it was to become even in the few decades after his death .
4 In the mental health field the voluntary sector is , on the whole , well organized and effective but it suffers from lower levels of charitable donations compared with more immediately appealing charities such as those for children , cancer research or research into heart disease .
5 ‘ Aberdeen crematorium is well run and efficient and it seemed natural to open our doors and explain to the public exactly what goes on during this most important ceremony . ’
6 This is then forgotten or repressed when it seems to have vanished altogether and there 's a third period , what Freud calls the return of the repressed when the initial trauma comes back in the form of symptoms and er ideally in the form of an analysis that finally brings it to the surface of consciousness and dissolves it , and this is a typical pattern .
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