Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [coord] it be [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 It 's something she would naturally do but it was not the job alone that spurred the gentleman to buy her flowers .
2 I think we 're actually getting in each other 's way for the right reasons rather than the wrong reasons , like just said and it 's not a question of somebody else trampling on others er cos I 've heard this sporadically for some time .
3 ‘ I always did but it is n't easy , is it ?
4 Juan and Pepe , who run the bar , luckily need little sleep and it is not uncommon for revellers returning from the star club at 4.00am to find a bar party in full swing .
5 Attitudes have really changed and it 's not just a question of superficial behaviour .
6 Of course she is becoming more well known and it is not always easy to realise it .
7 The decision to select Alistair Campbell of Wallasey and Louis Botes of New Brighton in Sunday 's President 's Trophy representative side against the Merseyside Competition may mean paid professionals are here to stay but it was not a decision made lightly .
8 ( 4 ) Many tenants object to forfeiture provisions applying where distress or execution has been levied on its goods at the premises , as even in the best run organisations this sometimes occurs and it is not always an indication that the tenant is in financial difficulty .
9 The incursion of party politics into local government is sometimes deplored but it is not a new development ( Widdicombe 1986 , Vol .
10 ( Eventually the railway is either built or it 's not . )
11 He was never tightfisted but it was n't often he was that generous .
12 Few of these have been specifically identified and it is not known whether any single factor is essential for the development of Crohn 's disease .
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