Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [coord] it " in BNC.

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1 The theory is primarily inductive in nature and so lacks explanatory value but it may have helped to counter the trend towards specialization in science .
2 Sigsworth was given a drug which would normally induce prolonged unconsciousness but it had no effect on him .
3 I prefer it coated in very coarsely grated black pepper and it should always be sliced extremely thinly .
4 This property has recently undergone considerable restoration and it is hoped that wooden rails will once again adorn the gallery and that it may again be used by the mistress of the house , who is a spinner .
5 Unemployment and the poverty it brings can never justify criminal behaviour but it does , very often , explain it and the Conservatives ' refusal to accept the fact undermines their entire approach to law and order .
6 It is evident that Ollier ( 1981 ) , although making a plea for a more evolutionary geomorphology , does not cite the quantitatively expressed geophysical research and it seems unlikely that geomorphology can contribute in such areas unless it is willing to adopt the methods and language of other practitioners .
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