Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly constrained by muscles mostly in the grip of rigor mortis , the zombies advanced inexorably on the few remaining Marines .
2 Editors have naturally concentrated on sources closest to Bach , but there is in the more peripheral ones a wealth of information about the origin and reworking of pieces , as well as performance practice ( notably fingerings and ornaments ) for which musical sources can shed light on specific details in a way more generalized literary documents rarely can ; and on the estimation of Bach 's music by his contemporaries and immediate successors .
3 The statement that my right hon. and learned Friend made about primary education has been warmly welcomed by parents right across the country who are increasingly concerned about the methods and organisation of delivering primary education in our schools .
4 Novæ generally appear in regions close to the Milky Way , and anyone who knows the sky really well has a chance of finding one , though beware of artificial satellites and even planets .
5 ‘ But we have a number of players already challenging for places ahead of him and he will be given time to acclimatise . ’
6 Some are best sown in pots indoors for planting out in summer , while others can be sown straight into the soil .
7 The bombing of Shanghai , widely shown on newsreels early in 1932 , helped to trigger the fears of civilian bombing which played such a large part in popular thinking about war and peace during the 1930s .
8 For a man born in the north-east , where the tradition and practice of the joint board was strong , such sentiments were hardly surprising , though they were usually received by shipowners either with amusement at their naivety or with anger at their effrontery .
9 Feedback is usually produced on results ie on the outputs of the system .
10 A subfamily of the Ophiuridae characterised by the disk usually covered by plates sometimes with thickened skin ; radial shield usually conspicuous ; arm combs sometimes present ; one to many apical papillae flanked by a continuous series of oral papillae ; second oral tentacle pore opening outside the mouth slit or opening outside but entering the mouth slit via a furrow ; oral shield variable in shape and size ; arms varying size ; arm spines usually less than an arm segment in length and usually appressed .
11 Chicago-based jolly advertising messages transmitted to supermarket trolleys pioneer VideOcart Inc has a letter of intent for the licensing of its technology in Spain to partnership of Omina Electronics SA and Technovidea SA , Madrid : it is also looking for licensees elsewhere in Europe , in South America and the Middle East .
12 Ken Bradshaw probably wrestled with sharks just for the hell of it .
13 The Society also communicated with solicitors directly at regional level and on a variety of courses and conferences .
14 A Romanian traveller arriving in Yugoslavia said he also heard of protests yesterday in the cities of Craiova and Suceava .
15 l he vehicles entered the western end of this northern bay , and the coach body was lifted off its bogies and placed on moving carriers , the wheels removed from the bogies , the bogies then also placed on carriers parallel with its body and moved alongside it through the shop at the same pace , that of one vehicle every forty minutes .
16 For these reasons , and because it is so easy to change the screen size of a shot by zooming in or out without stopping for a cut , the zoom ( and the pan ) are often used by amateurs instead of a straight cut .
17 Er this is clearly go going to become an important schedule and I think it you will inevitably run into difficulties here on different definitions of allocations for example .
18 The machinery of government , previously firmly under Dutch control , was now staffed by Indonesians almost to the top level .
19 William of Poitiers used the Gesta Normannorum Ducum when working on his history of William the Conqueror in the 1070s , but the beginning of his Gesta Guillelmi has not survived , and it now opens with events just after Cnut 's death .
20 But they were also so far removed from conditions elsewhere in Italy that Banfield 's attention centred on this intra-national gap , and noting the many efforts which had been made by successive Italian governments to deal with ‘ the Southern Question ’ , he asked why these peripheral ‘ backward societies ’ were , as he put it , ‘ ultra-stable ’ , apparently trapped in dependency and poverty .
21 Officers now work with cars instead of bicycles , radios instead of whistles , riot gear instead of truncheons , plus a range of computers and technical wizardry .
22 It is this class alone which is unmistakably distinguished from debentures both in law and fact .
23 In 992 the navy was seemingly formed from vessels already in existence , but in 1008 the Chronicle says that they were built .
24 He thus arrived at his city 's University in the Depression , well primed for encounters there with the suspect notions of Eliot , Pound and T E Hulme .
25 They form the basis of most modern detergents and are frequently mixed with non-ionics usually in the ratio two parts anionic to one part non-ionic .
26 Many species of tropical freshwater , marine and coldwater fish are being successfully bred by fishkeepers all over the world .
27 Massage by pressing gently with palms of hands , then knead with fingertips gently around the navel .
28 While the flats versus houses issue remained hotly disputed , London at least demonstrated in schemes shortly after the end of the war that the flat combined with mixed development would be an essential ingredient of post-war central cities .
29 I had stayed in bed on Sunday morning , even though Quigley had nearly kicked the door down and then burst into tears all over my duvet .
30 In December 1886 the Home Office received a memorial from the Clapham Vigilance Association , complaining that Clapham Common was ‘ infested ’ with prostitutes of the lowest type and that actual fornication was shamelessly committed on benches close to the public roadway .
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