Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] i [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 His theories are well enough known for me to sketch them only briefly .
2 We 're all agreed , Rose and Grace say they think you 'll be simply topping and I 've some awfully jolly people staying who are just waiting for me to bring you back with us so that we can decide on the cast and get started .
3 She just pleaded with me to let her stay with me till the baby was born and then she would try and gather the courage to tell her family . ’
4 It just remains for me to wish you a prosperous and happy one .
5 Years later my mother could hardly wait for me to pass it on to her .
6 Yes , he 's always jumping on me to tell me to do more for local radio and get South East Arts and South East Arts clients more regularly in contact with local radio , and I must admit on the latter case I do think that many of our clients do spend a great deal of time and erm want to be active with local radio .
7 She , why she , throughout my life , has always stood by me to help me make big decisions … ’
8 Graham sitting there waiting for me to kick him in the teeth .
9 I replied : " Well it never occurred to me to put it anywhere else ; this is the engineering hangar area and you could find out very quickly , once you jack up this port wing , what happened to the undercarriage . "
10 On the day I moved in my Mother had warned me not to let him rule my life like he 'd ruled my Father 's , but it never occurred to me to disobey him and seemed natural to follow the ‘ week planner ’ he 'd written out and pinned to the notice-board in the kitchen : Monday — Washing Tuesday — Ironing Wednesday — Youth Club etc .
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