Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Worldwide there are now many millions of patients who have been successfully treated with ciprofloxacin either in hospital or as outpatients in general practice .
2 Slowly constrained by muscles mostly in the grip of rigor mortis , the zombies advanced inexorably on the few remaining Marines .
3 An early contestant for the role of heir apparent , Aleke Banda , a minister in the 1960s , was restricted to his village for several years before being partially rehabilitated only to fall in disgrace again in the mid 1980s .
4 By March he was out again , and back at his office in Faber and Faber , although he was prudent enough to retire to bed early in the evening : with a complaint which had no organic cause , he could not be certain that he had been cured " .
5 The difficulty of solving such problems may be used to justify solutions based on a ‘ new technological fix ’ ( rightly dismissed by Goldblat elsewhere in this volume ) such as ‘ Star Wars ’ , which simply involves a new whirl of the arms race spiral .
6 Trestles were being set up along both sides of the room , but only a few sombrely dressed ladies were seated , the rest of the company apparently preferring to mill about in the centre of the hall .
7 It was extremely cheap , saving an awful lot of dynamite ; and extremely safe , both inherently and because the fuel and oxidant were only mixed on site just before use .
8 No it , I think it actually runs on the sixteenth but it only looks at premiums up to the fifteenth , think that 's built into the , the , the parameters on it .
9 obviously going to buck out of the
10 Editors have naturally concentrated on sources closest to Bach , but there is in the more peripheral ones a wealth of information about the origin and reworking of pieces , as well as performance practice ( notably fingerings and ornaments ) for which musical sources can shed light on specific details in a way more generalized literary documents rarely can ; and on the estimation of Bach 's music by his contemporaries and immediate successors .
11 This brought them to Teviot , in the Hawick area , where they learned that the Balliol company had passed there , avoiding the town , the morning before , having apparently camped at Goldielands just to the west .
12 ‘ It was the late great Jack who only went to London once in his life and did n't like it , ’ he said .
13 The most recent sequence of excavations has established that there was limited pre-Roman occupation of the site , in the form of a round house , which may have been associated with areas of ploughed fields , found below Roman levels in Annetwell Street , even though they had apparently reverted to pasture immediately before the arrival of the Romans .
14 The statement that my right hon. and learned Friend made about primary education has been warmly welcomed by parents right across the country who are increasingly concerned about the methods and organisation of delivering primary education in our schools .
15 They had all come from Bangor together for the game .
16 That suggestiveness , though , is much aided by devices not of sense but of sound .
17 Mid-region performance is strong and acceleration only begins to tail off above 120mph , but the Chrysler engine lacks ultimate finesse at high revs , becoming noisy and slightly strained , while the power delivery is too often spoiled by a hesitation or jerk after a sudden lift-off or application of power .
18 Yeltsin was rapturously accepted in Russia specifically as the ‘ Russian ’ leader who had liberated Russia from the communism foreign to it .
19 As the beneficial owner covenants are only implied where there is valuable consideration , the covenants ( in the absence of such consideration ) should be expressly incorporated by reference thereto in the conveyance or transfer .
20 As beneficial owner covenants are only implied where there is valuable consideration , the covenants ( in the absence of such consideration ) should be expressly incorporated by reference thereto in the conveyance or transfer .
21 From then on cylinders were usually made of iron , and much more powerful Newcomen engines were eventually built with cylinders up to 6 ft in diameter .
22 Situationist influence was more menacingly felt in France especially in the universities , although it has to be said that their influence upon the events of May 1968 has been exaggerated .
23 Wolfie puts his political struggle on hold to join a US grunge-rock outfit in another vintage CITIZEN SMITH , then this year 's anti-traveller precautions are finally exposed on SHOW DOWN AT GLASTONBURY .
24 Novæ generally appear in regions close to the Milky Way , and anyone who knows the sky really well has a chance of finding one , though beware of artificial satellites and even planets .
25 ‘ I was just explaining to Michael here about your notes , ’ Simmons interjected , to her relief .
26 ‘ But we have a number of players already challenging for places ahead of him and he will be given time to acclimatise . ’
27 The shy young visitor was soon disputing with Wordsworth almost on equal terms ; and next evening , while Coleridge was providing Dorothy with superfluous explanations about the different notes of the nightingale , Hazlitt and Wordsworth ‘ got into a metaphysical argument ’ which may have inspired two of the most genial of the Lyrical Ballads — ‘ Expostulation and Reply ’ , and ‘ The Tables Turned ’ , both of them written ‘ in front of the house at Alfoxden ’ .
28 I mean , I think , there is something there that needs pursuing , I 'm not accusing all judges of being , inherently , you know , nutty , or , whatever , but , the number of cases that have come to light in the last few years , whether it 's because the press have just decided to home in on them ,
29 It must have just lurched into life out of a great trodden stillness of dust and damp .
30 Shall I just look past Matthew instead of trying to look through him !
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