Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [verb] [adv prt] on " in BNC.

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1 All goods supplied by the Seller shall be in accordance with ( i ) the current edition of the relevant Product Description Leaflet as published from time to time by the Seller ( copies of which are available from the Seller upon request ) and ( ii ) those further specifications or descriptions ( if any ) expressly listed or set out on the face of the Order .
2 In the summer we can go out and draw from direct observation , but in winter it is too cold , but when we get back to the classroom we can draw from memory the tree we have just examined and put down on paper as much as we have learned and remembered about the tree , its form , its colour , and its texture .
3 book , you , you say that history is not something , I ca n't remember the quotation exactly but roughly it was to do with history 's not something that you just write and put up on the shelf , it 's
4 They 're sort of things to focus on points of focus within when you 're receiving Confirmation of the ways in which through Confirmation you can enhance the gifts which you already have and focus in on the power of the Holy Spirit through those gifts .
5 Possibly to try and get in on some long balls 1 on 1 with Koeman as Holland push forward late in the game .
6 A curl broke to my right and almost engulfed me , so I swung even further left and shuffled back on the board to keep from pearling .
7 All she wanted now was to get really stoned and lie back on the mattress thinking good thoughts .
8 There were heaps of clothing on the floor , roughly sorted and laid out on newspaper .
9 I tested a few planks carefully with the weight of my hand , then retreated and stood up on safer ground .
10 Then lie or sit down on the nearest piece of furniture , try to keep warm and wait calmly for help to arrive .
11 He 'd briefly inclined his head towards her , a mocking , curiously patrician gesture , then turned and disappeared up on deck .
12 He hesitated , then turned and rummaged around on a shelf against the wall .
13 Wetherall then stumbled and fell over on the appalling pitch in the centre of the 6 yard box ( as he was correctly keeping his eye on the incoming ball ) .
14 Once built , the nests are lined with tightly packed leaves which act as insulation and the hedgehogs are then ready to sleep the winter away , occasionally waking and wandering about on the off chance of finding a meal .
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