Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's better to get comfortable with the approach in a situation where you are confident , like a weekly meeting , than suddenly to try and implement it when you are in a more testing situation , like an important sales presentation .
2 Even after our Mexican upbringing , it was a revelation to find such things still going on , unknown to the outside world — and there were still another thirteen thousand Indonesian islands to explore , if we could only reach and film them while there was still time .
3 Erm you , you never really sort of er he said he 'd got a bit of paper somewhere and he could perhaps go and find it and you said , you know , sort of no not now erm but having done that you never , you never , not now erm but having done that you never , you never , I
4 Better go and watch it and see the form .
5 And they spurred forward to pursue and take him , no doubt believing it a happy chance for them , and the Lord Owen caused his horse to appear to drop lame , and so encouraged and led them until they were spread all along the field in open order , within close range of the bowmen in the woods .
6 I only said that to annoy her as Fenella was leaning over the staircase banister to fix some tinsel with double-sided tape and one more inch and she need n't have bothered wearing a skirt at all .
7 ‘ I thought people would just laugh and criticise me but they seem to like it my singing .
8 They could no longer hang or burn them but they were expelled from the church and all its sacraments and services , which at that time was a very severe punishment
9 They could no longer hang or burn them but they were expelled from the church and all its sacraments and services , which at that time was a very severe punishment
10 The need for this editing by copying , which requires the use of a second video machine , of course , is brought about because it is not possible to edit video tapes by physically cutting and rejoining them as you would a cine film or sound tape .
11 He just laughed and told me that his old one was well good enough for whenever the time came for me to take over .
12 and they , the first prize is a thousand pounds cash , second prize family holiday cottage in the Isle of Mule and third prize holiday cottage in Norfolk and fourth prize holiday apartment in Cumbria and the , I mean the idea is you take a book and try , if you have a place of work or , or friends that will buy raffle tickets er just try and sell them and er , how much are they ? er
13 You can soon go and ask them cos some git 's gon na be coming over and hitting you for taking the
14 Just go and take it and it 's yours !
15 Just go and get it when you are when you want more of this .
16 ‘ The court is endlessly being adjourned and I could easily come and collect you once we 've been let out . ’
17 But for the framework , she no more feared nor doubted it than she did the position of the stars in the sky .
18 Joe always aided and comforted me when he could , in some way of his own , and he always did so at dinner-time by giving me gravy , if there were any .
19 Importantly , Sahlins does not privilege one perspective over the other : the British perspective is not treated as better or more informed because to treat it as such would be to accept unquestioningly the categories out of which this perspective constructed its realities .
20 Scarlet both hated and feared them but was restrained by her class and upbringing from saying so .
21 He manipulates our feelings and views towards characters throughout the book , successfully , which also shows and convinces us that he is a very competent writer and very real .
22 ‘ I 've selected a midfield umbrella to protect him with players and said , ‘ look , this is your stage — now go and do it where it will really hurt the opposition ’ .
23 out of shit and she oh had a different bloke in her flat every night and you never , you , if you ever wanted to see her that was the one really annoying thing you could n't really go and see her and she was hardly ever about .
24 Ambivalence means that they both loved , admired , revered and desired to emulate him while simultaneously hating and fearing him and wishing to be rid of him .
25 The second ( 2.5.4 ) may even surprise and delight you if you 've not seen it before .
26 But equally there is the option of differentiation , which is about setting oneself apart from the norm , not simply to criticize and condemn it but to set up an alternative and different model .
27 Well try and drink it cos , you drink a bit , it 'll bring this temperature down .
28 He then filmed and photographed them as they were enveloped by seaweed and marine concretions .
29 Maybe come and kill us or something like that .
30 A partner then catches and returns it and the throw is repeated at least ten times .
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