Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Broussac and Capote refused to read the signs and so made their most dreadful mistake .
2 Just as the overall Tory campaign has had its weaknesses , so has its most important subsection : the Major campaign .
3 erm And I think erm we 've got to obviously give them as much respect as possible , because for them to reach the semi-final , the same as us erm they obviously erm have got some useful players .
4 Really I think I 've only done it twice this term .
5 Even people who claim to remember dreams every morning only recall their most recent dream , and any dreams they may have had during the two or three REM periods earlier in the night , or even during REM sleep , are completely lost .
6 This was shown in a handsome but stiff pose , painted by Barraband , in Vieillot 's book Tropical Songbirds ( 1805–9 ) : though drawn from life , it looks stuffed but is very decorative , and is accurate enough to fit its primarily taxonomic purpose as well .
7 Neither Laura nor the young man had been strong enough to withstand their frigidly withering assault .
8 Being an effective coach means being willing to learn by doing , especially by building coaching into your personal style of management and constantly analysing your most recent coaching session .
9 In the Apostles she perhaps displayed her most dramatic singing on record , and I am proud to have shared that performance with her .
10 No , it only takes me about forty minute , no hold on !
11 Questioned as he left Nato headquarters in Brussels , he said ‘ if indeed some loss of life has occurred , I can only express my very profound regret ’ .
12 The three culprits are depicted , Welsh Nationalists of otherwise impeccable character and one can only admire their somewhat misguided coup .
13 He suddenly remembered her carefully veiled amusement when he had mentioned the tinkers .
14 So do it right first time .
15 ‘ It would only confuse our already confused image , ’ a Pyramid official said .
16 Robert Maxwell , publishing tycoon ( left ) , was apparently showing his more charitable side at the World Economic Forum in Davos last month .
17 ‘ Of course , if you 'd rather do something else this evening … ’
18 Ridiculous , she told herself , relieved when he moved away to pour them both some Perrier water .
19 Since different measurements on A produce incompatible consequences for B , the act of measurement must induce a new state for B , not just reveal its previously existing state .
20 As a result of their financial difficulties , Athletico were forced to resign from the Mid-Counties League and for the 70/71 season played no football at all , thereby suffering no defeats and thus securing their most successful season ever .
21 Basic literacy , which was all that was aimed at , would allow the people to grasp more easily the intentions of the ruler and thus ensure their more effective cooperation in his policies .
22 One of the first tourists to venture into the former realm of King Zog was John Biffen , who soon discovered his fairly orthodox demeanor was regarded as offensively trendy by Albania 's time-warped Bolshevists .
23 The smaller staff allowed them to move their headquarters to a building half the size , thus providing one more visual symbol of the change in the organizational culture .
24 They 've already played them twice this season and lost both times .
25 But , I just came across so much of it every where I was , I thought actually there there 's a book in this because it used to get , just get me so cross writing theatre history and , and reading these terrible things !
26 THE Ice Maiden finally lost her cool this week .
27 It soon lost its exclusively maritime connotation and , from denoting simply work as a galley slave , came to be applied to other forms of penal servitude with hard labour .
28 The 78 , which appeared at the beginning of the 1977 season , was one of Chapman 's greatest and most revolutionary contributions to motor racing and the concept which it employed ( the so-called Venturi effect , by which the air was channelled under rather than over the car , thus giving it infinitely superior down-force and road-holding ability ) set the standard for many years to come .
29 So you got the whole spectrum of , or if you 're just doing it like French dictation , it wo n't , if words tend to just , to just be spoken language , right through to an immensely detailed erm , attempts to put everything down , including tone of the voice , and all these other ones which are extremely difficult to I think you noticed that I was standing looking at the transcriptions near each team .
30 But having just banked our rather substantial cheque for the start-up , we looked at the price of everything and thought ‘ that 's a bit expensive ’ and bought nothing .
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