Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] be an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The suggested Fifth Man badly needs to be an up-and-coming forwards ' coach .
2 AT 30 , Daldry is widely considered to be an inspired choice as the artistic director-designate of the Royal Court , London 's embattled home of new writing .
3 Bush 's public and deliberate linking of the " occupied " West Bank with East Jerusalem was greeted with near unanimous condemnation in Israel , where Israeli control over the whole of the " " eternal " capital " was widely considered to be an irreversible fact .
4 She almost groaned aloud at her ignorance in over-reacting in such a childish way to what , obviously , he had only meant to be an amusing conversational gambit .
5 The actual process of putting them together proved to be an awful lot more difficult than we first thought .
6 Linear B is generally agreed to be an early form of Greek , but Linear A was a different language , which has so far evaded identification .
7 Pausing thus seems to be an integral part of spontaneous speech .
8 Beginning as an ordinary mechanic , Murdock soon proved to be an excellent worker and rapidly rose to be Boulton & Watt 's most trusted worker and adviser .
9 Gelsemium would thus seem to be an appropriate choice of remedy to use in neurological experiments .
10 Stocks of the attached leaflet have almost run out and as this was always intended to be an interim in-house production we now feel we should produce a glossier version on a better quality paper in the style of the leaflets we have recently produced for Community Care and Assessment .
11 A task is usually considered to be an integrated sub-activity with a particular purpose as distinct from a job which is a particular kind of work carried out by an individual in a system context .
12 It is not usually considered to be an important tone for foreign learners to acquire , though it is still useful practice to learn to distinguish it from other tones .
13 What is required , he wrote , is to find an outlet for those energies , for those needs and desires , so that they do not turn inward and rend you to pieces , an outlet , he wrote , but never to imagine that what we do is ever going to be an everlasting achievement .
14 Everything is worked out , every detail of orchestration and balance , and there always seems to be an inner logic to the composition — there is n't a bar that is n't absolutely essential .
15 ‘ I said to my wife : ‘ It 's crazy , someone ought to do something about this — there always seems to be an inadequate number of facilities for women . ’
16 Preferably try to be an Hon.
17 But the UN , which is trying harder than SWAPO probably realised to be an honest broker , had almost nobody on the ground anyway .
18 Subsequent talks between Rutskoi and Pakistan government ministers and Pakistan-based mujaheddin groups on Dec. 20-22 resulted in the release of one Soviet POW ( later reported to be an Afghan soldier ) .
19 Sexual discrimination is also seen to be an important factor in turning female graduates away from engineering .
20 Sexual discrimination is also seen to be an important factor in turning female graduates away from engineering .
21 But if , by any chance , the reporter 's wife or husband also happens to be an Environmental Health Officer somewhere else , and happens to know that he or she is going off to do an interview , and say , ‘ Hey .
22 Unbeknown to Mark , one of the titled politicians present also happened to be an international banker and financial advisor to several US corporations .
23 In contributing towards the creation of the properly trained worker , adaptability was also thought to be an indispensable element in the struggle to reduce unemployment , ( what Sadler called ‘ human waste ’ ) , though its direct impact was the subject of some discussion .
24 As indomethacin is also known to be an reactive oxygen species scavenger , however , its effect may be independent of its inhibition of cyclo-oxygenase .
25 The physical presence of the supervisor was also found to be an important independent variable .
26 Any dismissal ( either express or constructive ) which is in connection with a sale governed by the Transfer Regulations is , as a result of reg 8(1) of the Transfer Regulations , automatically presumed to be an unfair dismissal .
27 This Conference was staged at what has since proved to be an important turning point in the provision of training facilities for colleagues involved in the promotion of bilingualism and community languages .
28 Insulin-dependent diabetes is the most severe form of the disease , and is now considered to be an auto-immune disorder in which the cells of the pancreas responsible for producing insulin ( the beta-cells ) are destroyed by the body 's immune system .
29 But the shape , who was now revealed to be an amiable-looking man of about thirty , remained silent .
30 I felt what I can now see to be an unreasonable surge of panic .
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