Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , I shall dispute that ontological existents can be coherently treated in an uncritical metaphysical fashion as " things ( existing unconditionally ) in themselves " .
2 In December 1917 Malcolm was given command ( as major-general ) of the 66th division , which was badly mauled in the great German offensive launched by Erich Ludendorff in March 1918 .
3 It had also successfully lobbied for a prestigious residential development under the Community Development Block Grant programme , although the sale prices far exceeded the borrowing capacity of the majority of local residents ( median income was less than $7,000 in 1980 , whilst unemployment stood at three times the city average ) .
4 Nor was it properly explained to the modern British public , any more than it was in 1925 , why the ‘ discipline ’ could not be imposed direct on the economy without it being necessary to cling to another country 's shirt tails to do so .
5 We used to send fresh fish by rail but now most goes into the new freezing factories .
6 Laurel , in effect , made two contributions to the partnership : as Hardy was quick to concede , Laurel was the creator and rigorous controller of their comedy , as well as a member of what was widely recognized as the best comic double act of its time .
7 The Republic of Indonesia comprises mainly some 13,700 islands known until 1949 as the Netherlands East Indies ; since 1976 it has also included East Timor ( when the latter was effectively annexed as the 27th Indonesian province after the withdrawal in 1975 of Portuguese troops , although this act has never been officially recognized by the UN ) .
8 The postcrania are only known for ‘ Kenyapithecus ’ from Maboko Island , and they indicate little change from the generalized arboreal quadrupedalism present in the early Miocene hominoids like Proconsul .
9 The JDA annual report of 1989 saw little change in the Soviet military posture in the Far East and its potential threat to Japan , despite President Gorbachev 's announcement earlier in the year that its forces stationed in the Far East would be cut by 120,000 [ see p. 36642 ] .
10 Italy is of course the country where anything is possible , but legitimate concern has been expressed at the way in which the young Florentine judge has seen fit to take upon herself a role which properly belongs to the competent institutional authorities that of evaluating the appropriateness and the implementation of a particular restoration project .
11 I have since heard of a Roman Catholic nun who was also a doctor , who was allowed to train part time to fit in with her religious duties .
12 Laura could n't seem to tear her eyes away as she absorbed the man 's hawk-like , tanned face and the sensual appeal of his tall , broad-shouldered body elegantly clad in a black long-tailed jacket and dark-striped trousers .
13 ‘ In the majority of the villages occupied during the sieges of Newark , there are traces of the earthworks thrown up by the besiegers , most consisting of a few eroded banks or ditches . ’
14 From his study of several village communities in Wiltshire , for example , Ingram has found that the great majority of villagers did not belong to polarized extremes , but rather adhered to a conventional mainstream Protestantism ; furthermore , Ingram believes it was the youth of the parish , rather than the least well-off , who were the most indifferent to religion and most impervious to moral discipline .
15 For Craigendarroch is wholly owned by a major public company , Cannon Street Investments P.L.C.
16 Attlee 's arguments pointed clearly to the foreign policy eventually pursued by the post-war Labour Government — attempting to manipulate the emerging US superpower in a way that was compatible both with the maintenance of Britain 's overseas Empire and with her traditionally limited commitment to entanglement in European affairs .
17 Anyhow , we had open views over the Heath and Vale of Health and it made a lovely family home even if it was badly designed with a huge wasteful " well " in the middle of the house which had the advantage of enabling us to come downstairs in a series of flying leaps , holding on to tall mahogany pillars at the corners of the stairway .
18 The radio transmitter , a surprisingly small , modern affair , occupied its own bracket on one wall , which was foot-thick whitewashed stone like the others , the chill only a little alleviated by the portable bottled-gas heater alongside the desk .
19 The poll tax was duly included in the 1987 Conservative election manifesto and after their election victory it became the dominant political issue .
20 Once again , there were several guest players in a New South Wales Country team which performed with great energy and enthusiasm , although the country boys were eventually subdued by a rampant Scottish pack .
21 A decrease in the incidence of gastric carcinoma has been widely reported over the last three decades .
22 ‘ The objects of the present Convention are — ( a ) to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained in any contracting state ; and ( b ) to ensure that rights of custody and of access under the law of one contracting state are effectively respected in the other contracting states .
23 Service of a notice of severance ( see Precedent 12 ) would appear to be effective to sever the joint tenancy if properly addressed to the other joint tenant and received at the property concerned .
24 Running like this , with the mad south-west wind behind her , gave her a glorious sense of freedom , for her exercise had been terribly limited for the past five weeks .
25 Blue eyeshadow , much reviled for the past five years , is back at Chanel , Lancôme and Rubinstein and has never been out at Lauder — Mrs Lauder is a firm believer in the power of blue .
26 But how , with an electronic document , do you discern its origins , whether it is the work of more than one hand , how much altered from an original first draft , and so on ?
27 With the Professional version however , the basic cardigan could easily be designed in the STANDARD shaping section , leaving only the front edges to be manually adjusted within the ORIGINAL shaping section .
28 Both lie within the fertile valley of the Nile , an area of lush greenery and cultivated fields , contrasting greatly with the harsh , arid desert sparsely punctuated by the odd dazzling oasis .
29 Though the hall was almost empty they were n't forward enough to go into the very front seats so they entered the seats three rows back , claiming two extra chairs with folded coats .
30 It was only halted after a massive nationwide media campaign orchestrated by conservationists , but nearly every year Arizona congressional representatives push for a dam to be built at mile 238 , which would inundate most of the lower Grand Canyon .
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