Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] of [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Kafka 's genius lies in his having grasped that this was much more true to experience , much more realistic , than the rich sensuality and feeling for the individual etc. etc. of Lawrence and his much more pathetic followers .
2 The defective article might still be in the manufacturer 's possession three years after the date of manufacture , and he might sell it later , but no one would have the hardihood to suggest that the three years ' limitation had already cut off all right of action before he had sold it .
3 Dr.Thomas Manton thought so highly of Baxter that he did not even consider himself worthy to carry his books behind him , and that ‘ Mr. Baxter came nearer the apostolic writings than any man in the age ’ .
4 However , you 'll still be somewhat out of pocket if you decide not to buy the property .
5 A single mother I met in Sheffield has got housing , but in a Dickensian block of flats , on the fifth floor , with no lift , a damp kitchen , bathroom and hall where the wallpaper seems to stand up only out of inertia because it is n't sticking to the walls .
6 Pip changes from being content with his life at the beginning and not expecting much out of life until he goes to Miss Havisham 's and meets and falls in love with Estella .
7 It just looked so out of proportion and we had a few giggles about it .
8 By that time the information contained in the audited accounts would be so out of date that it would not reasonably be foreseen as the basis for a business judgment concerning the extension of credit to Berg or the discounting of bills .
9 He was so out of breath that he had to swallow a couple of words to get air .
10 In fact he had fully intended to wait for a suitable moonlit warm right , but the trying events of the day had put him so out of sorts that he could stand the waiting no longer .
11 They came together , their passion so out of control that there was a certain violence to it , a wildness , a drive beyond reason .
12 ‘ If we did n't shoot them , ’ he says , ‘ then within two or three years they would be so out of hand that we 'd have to give up sheep farming . ’
13 It was only because her mother approved so strongly of Pogo that she was allowed to go out with him to places like this , and then , as often as not , her mother insisted that Aubrey went too .
14 Fold-up furniture can either be stacked neatly in one place , hung from a large hook on a wall or stashed away out of sight when it is n't in use .
15 I 've got to find a teacher because I 'm just not good enough , I 'm utterly out of practice and I need help .
16 You 've got to be able to talk to people on their own level , you get the best out of people if you treat them a certain way .
17 ooh , they were n't there alright , I thought they were just out of order cos it was road repairs and a policeman was supposed to be on duty because it was this great big wide Upper Parliament Street , and going across it , if I look at Liverpool
18 They 're just out of prison and they want to get high all the time and enjoy themselves .
19 Thomas of Woodstock , Edward 's youngest son , was born in 1355 and was thus barely of age when his father died .
20 If you look at a baby they 're totally out of proportion and they have huge heads do n't they ?
21 Cutting down on food , I was University missing whole meals , telling people I was training , I 'm a P E teacher so sport and the perfect body was very much up front , so the more weight I lost the better I was told I looked until it became totally out of control and I was eating an apple and black coffee a day and then vomiting so that I had nothing in me .
22 It 's just like the programme except the info in it is a bit more out of date and it 's about twice the size .
23 Ponyboy wanted more out of life than his brothers .
24 Graham also watched the indicator and winced more out of irritation than anything else when green five increased to amber six .
25 Turning again , Manville made a mental note of the cab 's licence number , more out of habit than anything else .
26 Matilda perched herself carefully on an upturned box and more out of politeness than anything else she took a slice of bread and margarine and started to eat it .
27 They do n't come round at the same time so you 're always out of phase and it always looks untidy .
28 The actual vaults were nearly always of concrete and it was the strength of Roman concrete which made it possible to cover the enormous spaces in this way .
29 Drawing close to the body , under the watchful eyes of Lorrimer and Doyle , he thought , as he often did at such a scene , that it looked unreal , an anomaly , so singularly and ridiculously out of place that he had to stifle a nervous impulse to laugh .
30 She had stopped crying when her mother hit her , partly out of pride , but partly out of spite because she always felt her tears gave her mother pleasure .
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