Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] it [verb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most obviously it means that the ‘ birds ’ sang at a previous moment in time but it could also mean the time of year , the time of the poet 's life , and most strikingly , it could be another word connected with death .
2 THE GOVERNMENT 's handling of the Maastricht bill came under fierce attack yesterday when it emerged that the Prime Minister has taken legal advice on whether he could by-pass Parliament .
3 Bossard was sentenced to 21 years ' imprisonment and once again it seems that the Russians were willing to sacrifice an agent , probably because Bossard had given them all the details he could of the American rocket-guidance systems , in order to enhance the credibility of Top Hat so that he could continue peddling disinformation .
4 Once again it seems that the consequences of the death on family life , rather than the direct effects of the loss , may be crucial .
5 They had met just three months ago , yet now it seemed that the whole of her life had been crammed into those few fleeting weeks ; as if her living had had no meaning before they met and her future would have no substance if ever he left her .
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