Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [being] [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 For a genre which , by definition , dwells on the glories of the past , the Western is remarkably short on tales of the opening-up of the wilderness , the heroic 19th Century myth of the virgin land somehow always being obliterated by a sense — no matter when a given film is actually set — that the wild times are over .
2 When , as it were , it is flaunted as The Problem , it is more often being used as a defence against a deeper , underlying one .
3 Moreover , the fact that characters may be successfully interpreted by means of these linguistic approaches presents a strong case for characterisation once again being regarded as a legitimate object of the critic 's attention .
4 However , more than three decades after Moira disappeared , senior detectives from Coatbridge last week travelled to the North of England to interview a man in connection with the disappearance , which is still officially being treated as a missing person inquiry .
5 However , senior detectives from Coatbridge last week went to the north of England to interview a man in connection with the disappearance , which is still officially being treated as a missing person inquiry .
6 At first these tended to be employed mainly as illustrative material , but they are now increasingly being used as a means of developing certain historical skills or concepts .
7 Someone or something had been through the fridge and taken away a few samples of earthling diet — a chilli con carne and a cold lasagne that was probably even now being scoffed by a load of blobs up in the ionosphere .
8 This was followed subsequently by great interest in all the smells and scents of the roadside , even the occasional canine encounter — accompanied by the whole world of doggie communication : nose to nose , nose to tail , side by side , tail and body postures , ears up , ears down — their inward mental structure is quite clearly being expressed in a language and through sense perceptions and actions we do not share .
9 They are no longer being managed by the Health Authority across the road , remotely , no no contact between the two , or not enough anyway , no longer being managed by a region fifty miles , or forty miles , whatever it is , up the road to .
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