Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] they [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 cos I do n't mind what they have so long as they eat it
2 Everyone dominates central stage for a while , just so long as they need it , only to return it chivalrously after their moment .
3 ‘ There are a hundred ways a firm can get rid of pollution into the river , ’ said an experienced officer , ‘ so long as they do it at the right time . ’
4 They will not wear their knuckles out knocking at the West 's door , so long as they feel it will be opened to them before too long .
5 Also , more is understood nowadays about the balance of life within a pool , so the much quoted passage of the father of English gardening , William Robinson , in his classic The English Flower Garden ( 1895 ) scarcely applies now : ‘ Unclean and ugly pools deface our gardens ; some have a mania for artificial water , the effect of water pleasing them so well that they bring it near their houses where they can not have its good effects .
6 Behind Psychic TV exists an occult , disparate breed of hipsters heavily into Gary Glitter , early Sabbath , Arthur Brown , Grateful Dead just because they know it would scandalize the prevailing arbiters of taste .
7 Whether the alternative candidates confuse the situation more often than they aid it can only be found from adequate testing of the system .
8 If the relatives are able to go to the mortuary or viewing room and be with the person who has died for as long as they feel it to be necessary , then they are more able to start absorbing the fact of their loved one 's death , because again they have the evidence in front of them .
9 If we take the optimistic view , we could suggest that any group of wage-earners who managed to secure a wage increase of 60 per cent can not have ended the period to any real degree worse off than they began it .
10 They were a best-selling group without real fans , more like the Archies than the Sex Pistols , and they lost significance as rapidly as they gained it .
11 The heart of the matter is the provision of a physical and social environment through which the members of society may gradually withdraw from it as securely and as worthily as they enter it through the environment of home and education .
12 They were also content to leave the whole affair as far as they knew it , understood it or had allocated the blame for it .
13 I put it to Andy that it must have been a blow when they split in 1988 , but he , ever the voice of reason , says , ‘ There was no point in trying to keep them together , it had gone as far as they wanted it to go and they wanted to do something different .
14 In many institutions which train primary and first school teachers , the teachers themselves have an option as to whether they can do a science course or not and then even if they do it it 's usually very biologically biased erm towards the natural sciences .
15 In many institutions which train primary and first school teachers , the teachers themselves have an option as to whether they can do a science course or not and then even if they do it it 's usually very biologically biased erm towards the natural sciences .
16 And in the liquid and buoyant capital markets of the 1980s , firms knew they could raise the money again quickly if they needed it .
17 Each of those four nations er really ought to test the software pretty thoroughly before they hand it over but because er we could n't afford four lots of test equipment we said right , ship your software out , in tested to only a modest level and it 'll all be tested centrally in the Deutsch Aerospace facility .
18 They decided very quickly that they liked it , then ! ’
19 I was grateful to him for his tribute to the members of the two boundary committees , they did do an excellent job , they did it as he implied , slightly less un generously to the government er in a considerably shorter time than they and we would have liked but they did it very well and they did it very fairly .
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