Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This will mean that funding will go where it is most needed locally rather than according to a set of priorities determined in Whitehall .
2 He did n't even knock but just walked right in and went through the house looking to see if we had anything of value to part with before we could receive any relief .
3 The water molecules were spread widely so as to react with the plasma effectively reducing the plasma density through a process beginning with ion-exchanges .
4 So rather than sit at the counter and do it they they have rooms which you can go to and erm get interviewed
5 If a horse shies , he is fundamentally ignoring the rider 's inside leg , so rather than worrying about the horse shying , it is more important to concentrate on exercises which make the horse move away from the leg such as leg-yield , shoulder-in , enlarging and decreasing the circle .
6 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
7 Another American firm , McDonnell Douglas , has a smaller product range , and by the mid-1980s was wondering whether to get out of the industry entirely rather than compete in the next generation of civil airliners .
8 The girl laced her fingers together nervously and looked at the floor .
9 Like all analogies , this one can mislead as well as help , but if we do feel that a reasonable case is being presented to us , and that the internal evidence of the research fits together coherently and comes to a result which is ‘ beyond reasonable doubt ’ then we may be prepared to accept this piece of research , based though it is on informal interviews .
10 In fact , it is basically seen as the professionals banding together to protect their own — especially so when set against the various Royal College of Surgeons ' statements that testing of patients after operative accidents is reasonable whether or not the patient agrees .
11 That William and Mary Prince and Princesse of Orange bee and bee declared , King and Queen of England France and Ireland and the Dominions there unto belonging to hold the Crowne and Roy all Dignity of the said Kingdom 's and Dominions to them the said Prince and Princesss during their lives and the life of the Survivor of them and that the Sole and full exercise of the Regall Power be only in and executed by the said Prince of Orange in the Names of the said Prince and Princesse during their Joynt lives And after their deceases the said Crowne and Roy all Dignity of the said Kingdoms and Dominions to be to the heires of the body of the said Princesse : And for default of such Issue to the Princesse Anne of Denmarke and the heires of her body .
12 It is an elegant way to travel , much better than waiting for the buses which , at this time of year , seem to come every other Tuesday .
13 They do not like by-elections , for in them a candidate of their own party may , win or lose , find the opportunity to display himself so advantageously as to become in the next general election a fearsome competitor .
14 The recombinant protein was phosphorylated extremely inefficiently as compared to the c-Jun bZIP region ( the exposure time in Figure 1C is over 20-fold longer than in Figure 1B ) .
15 The list of sins , venial and otherwise , was long , but not so long as to come as a surprise .
16 It 's an English-built rocker 's tool finished in cellulose all over and powered by a combination of a Seymour Duncan SSL-1 , a DiMarzio Fred and a DiMarzio PAF Pro .
17 It took much longer than expected for the population to be reduced by deaths , occasional discharges and transfers to new units .
18 The difference now , however , is that such arguments are multiplied many times over , both by the much more extensive use of technology and the great number of technological developments which appear so quickly and exist at the same time .
19 She had only once before raced at a distance beyond two miles , in the Jockey Club Cup at Newmarket in November 1905 , when she had won , hard held , by half a length from Bachelor 's Button .
20 The notice of the Portadown Methodist Watchnight Service for 31 December 1848 is worth quoting in full : ‘ You are affectionately invited to attend the above service which will be held in the Portadown Wesleyan Chapel in Thomas Street on Sunday , 31st December 1848 , to commence at 10 o'clock p.m. and to continue till the commencement of the New Year .
21 It is the most promising ‘ global language ’ candidate , or at least the most likely to permeate other languages so thoroughly as to amount to the same thing .
22 They never did find Nisodemus again , even though a party of strong-stomached nomes went back much later and searched through the ruts and the mud .
23 However , as the results of the first inspections started to come in the seriousness of the problem was realised and the US authorities eventually went so far as to call for the use of specially made ultrasonic probes for detecting cracks round the fastener holes .
24 In practice the risk of default of non repayment is nil so far as lending to the government is concerned .
25 North once told Secord that he had gone so far as to mention to the President that the Ayatollah was helping the contras .
26 The writer Valentin Rasputin , reflecting some of these concerns , went so far as to complain at the Congress of People 's Deputies in 1989 of ‘ Russophobia ’ on the part of other nationalities .
27 The Lewisham Council went so far as to apply to the High Court for an Order of Mandamus requiring the Commissioner of Police to seek to have the march banned .
28 At the lowest level in the TNC hierarchy , the operatives , there is clearly a reputational element at work , in so far as working for a company that has an international name appears to mean something positive for most people .
29 Peel reckoned with the prospect of violent conflict between the Government and the trade unions ; and went so far as to enquire into the practicability of organizing the middle classes against them .
30 He went so far as to bang on the door of Evert 's home in an effort to see Steffi .
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