Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although controversial , and greatly disliked by the judiciary , this is clearly intended to divert petty persistent offenders away from custody by ruling out custodial penalties for such offenders altogether rather than allowing them to ‘ progress up the tariff ’ .
2 Without warning he grabbed her tennis racquet — which she 'd been swinging so nonchalantly and grasping her by the scruff of the neck , pushed her roughly over the back of a chair .
3 And so they started putting people downstairs everywhere and shoving them in corners that nobody even .
4 I had brave ideas of taking forever off and immersing myself in motherhood but , after 10 months , I could n't wait to get back , ’ she says .
5 It should be remembered that in this chapter we are dealing only with stress within the word ; this means that we are looking at words as they are said in isolation , which is a rather artificial situation — we do not often say words in isolation , except for a few such as ‘ yes ’ , ‘ no ’ , ‘ possibly ’ , ‘ please ’ and interrogative words such as ‘ what ’ , ‘ who ’ , etc. , but looking at words in isolation does help us to see stress placement and stress levels more clearly than studying them in the context of continuous speech .
6 Skilfully used , a fabric border can pull a room together just as effectively as swagging everything in sight with the same chintz .
7 A few minutes later , when she 'd got as far as wrapping herself in her host 's dressing-gown , Penry Vaughan knocked loudly on the door .
8 Meanwhile , both Franca and Alison had , after initial suspicion , adopted Irina , at least as far as amusing themselves by helping her to spend money on having her hair done and buying clothes .
9 It 's a privilege and an honour for me to thank him , on your behalf , for coming here tonight and addressing us in the way he has .
10 Dragging her feet reluctantly , as if she was being pushed from behind , Sylvia took her book to Carolyn , standing well back and handing it to her at arm 's length .
11 Well I think personally I think it 's a very serious problem , but it 's something that we were talking earlier on and asking ourselves in what way , you know , the college or university authorities can set about policing undergraduate behaviour .
12 His head went back and he laughed at her mutinous expression , the glint in his eyes deepening , before leaning forward again and addressing her with quiet insistence .
13 The scientific approach to the world of nature developed as a way of looking to see what was actually there and interpreting it in the light of its own evidence instead of simply accepting received , traditional wisdom .
14 For this purpose I line the cone first with kitchen foil and then cover the outside with knitting , tying the point very firmly and finishing it with a tassel or small ‘ frill ’ .
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