Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adj] for [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 As Mr said in an earlier report , brackets B twelve closed brackets quote , Anna Jane is a quick witted intelligent girl and it is obviously extremely frustrating for her to have to type her conversations , unquote .
2 It is obviously not proper for me to comment further on what it concludes , but it is satisfied with our preliminary conclusions .
3 I do n't feel whole , and labels just make it so much more difficult for me to understand myself .
4 ‘ It will make it much more difficult for me to convince member states to accelerate the removal of barriers , ’ he says .
5 She exhorted him to ‘ follow your little heart ’ ; it was much more difficult for her to do so , and it showed .
6 Erm it seems to me that the emphasis has changed slightly in the representations being made by the West Yorkshire authorities and that they 're now saying that it 's much more difficult for them to accommodate housing developments within their own er districts .
7 It would be much more sensible for you to marry a woman with money .
8 I 'd lastly like to say a thank you to Kevin , because I think , as a man , it is obviously more difficult for him to broach this subject , and he 's been pursuing this through APEX through for a very long time , and has worked extremely hard , so I 'd like to say thank you to him , and thank you to you now for taking the message back home .
9 Other naturalistic views , Marxist and some which indeed call themselves ‘ evolutionary ’ , have often proclaimed themselves free from any such picture , but it is basically very hard for them to avoid some appeal to an implicit teleology , an order in relation to which there would be an existence that would satisfy all the most basic human needs at once .
10 He knew that among his people no respectable girl would expect anyone to marry her after that and that the parents would be only too glad for him to keep her .
11 It 's obviously too early for me to judge whether in the absence of such a definition the Department seek to intervene , but in the word , in the light of what is said in the current P P G I think that must be a possibility , but for the moment , sir , we have very much have an open mind , and we obviously , like everyone else , are looking forward to your conclusions on this issue .
12 It was much too late for me to acknowledge him .
13 Almost all of us were trying to catch up on our homework , although the tram was much too bumpy for anyone to write anything .
14 I told you she 'd sent me some cast-offs and they 're much too grand for me to wear .
15 It would take a week to eat all that food , and the dish was much too heavy for her to move .
16 It is all too easy for them to continue their lives as minor Party ‘ nomenclaturi ’ .
17 Millions of these live in the bowel , where they help digestion , so it 's quite normal for them to be present , and all too easy for them to spread — in fact half of all cases of Cystitis are caused by bacterial infection .
18 With a queue of industrialized and developing countries , from Israel to Pakistan , eager to achieve the status of nuclear weapons powers , it is all too easy for them to leach out the necessary technology from ‘ peaceful ’ atomic programmes .
19 It would be all too easy for them to forget her professionalism down at Paul Ricard .
20 It is all too easy for us to think of the religious life of fourteenth century England solely in terms of Chaucer and Langland .
21 It was all too fast for him to take in .
22 I mean we hope we 're doing the right thing , and as I say the response we 're getting seems to indicate that , but we have not erm followed through each of we have a large number of participants every year , you see , in the order of about erm a hundred and fifty each year , so very difficult for you to try and follow through the fate of each of them .
23 ‘ It 's just not possible for me to pack a briefcase and go and stay in a Hilton somewhere looking for business and agents .
24 As far as I am concerned , it is just not necessary for me to play any more Sibelius in London .
25 This , of course , is very unfair : it is just not reasonable for me to flounce about in the bathroom for hours and then make a man feel inadequate when I catch him using my dental floss. or to bellow in disgust when I find out he blow-dries his hair .
26 Is it not just as strange for me to state out loud ‘ p , but I do n't have any vocal chords ’ ?
27 The argument is the same as that used 150 years before by Alexander I — and just as impossible for us to test .
28 And it 's so odd , it 's hard now when somebody says , ‘ What was it like ? ’ or says , ‘ What did she use to wear ? ’ because of course we all saw her all the time and thought nothing of it , saw her at the very least once a week ( missing service , it was called , if you went a week without visiting , and it was certain to be discussed amongst the congregation when you did finally show up ) , it 's just very odd for me to think that you were never there and that this is all strange to you when to us it was just an ordinary life .
29 There was often just too much for me to finish on my own .
30 Then , as the light was going , a convoy rolled in with the pool — just too late for them to get any pictures . ’
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