Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 Walpole , who has been traditionally and perhaps wrongly regarded as the first British Prime Minister , always took pains to deny that he occupied such a position .
2 So just skim through the first ten lines then eleven to the end really concentrate on .
3 And I only ever went to the first reunion after graduation . ’
4 In that case the solutions that I have so far given to the first equation would no longer be acceptable , but one could take x=1 , y=2 , and z=1 .
5 Lastly , it make the base for construction of a large scenario — a first short at identifying , with least danger of short sight ( though perhaps roughly drawn in the first stages ) , the major issues to be treated as priorities for action .
6 Devitrification is almost universal in ancient glasses which were usually badly made in the first place and have had plenty of time to crystallize ; the result , however is , often very beautiful , though these old glasses have become very weak .
7 Then there is the maddening fact that , of the five great investigative Ws ( who ? what ? where ? when ? and why ? ) , we can still only account for the first four in the matter of the Watergate break-in .
8 Laszlo was indomitably trying to learn English , and when Jane saw him again , ten years later , he had still not progressed beyond the first book , now old and tattered .
9 And therefore , you begin to question whether it ever really happened in the first place , do n't you .
10 When a city rules an empire , a historian with any curiosity will ask whether the imperial city was specially geographically favoured from the first .
11 1.3 The premises Unit no of the Centre more particularly defined in the First Schedule The premises must be readily identifiable and provision in the particulars is mainly for a unit or postal number to be inserted .
12 ‘ They are given a topic straight away to revise for the first exam — which is at 9am the following morning .
13 It is also now analysing for the first time in a quantitative way the changing social and cultural characteristics of small towns .
14 He also publicly acknowledged for the first time that he was a recovering " drug addict " who had behaved in a " degrading and outrageous " way .
15 If you want a half-hearted approach I may as well not start in the first place . ’
16 Two , our institute has its own hall and as this is now about seventy years old and was not particularly well built in the first place , you will understand that it costs us a good deal in money and effort to literally keep the roof over our heads .
17 This is quite properly reflected in the first signal from $ Corps after Macmillan 's visit , referring to his " advice " that Tolbukhin should be approached about the handing over of the Cossacks .
18 These improvements in mortality are now almost totally confined to the first year of life and the years after age 65 .
19 This was the activity with which they came to be most closely identified in the first fifty years of their existence .
20 Accessibility is not so important with the small , closed conferences because the participants are usually either highly motivated in the first place ( because of specialist interest or commitment ) or their employers require them to go or at least agree that they should .
21 Indeed , the tradition of personal contact between the Council and the public , the accessibility of local government officials , and the identifiable nature of the officials and councillors involved , gave the whole thing a highly personal tone to the point where some of the wider issues were obscured , or else never raised in the first place .
22 The use of English was thus significantly more restricted in the first generation than in the second generation , who had generally attended British schools and often had a native-like command of British English .
23 Weight is very quickly lost in the first week or so of most diets , but slows down somewhat after that .
24 Repeated slips may mean that recovery was never clearly established in the first place or they may be an indication of the beginning of a full-scale relapse .
25 Hebrew is thought by some linguists to be very distantly related to the first three languages , and by other linguists not to be related , so the reason for the similarity can not be definitely given .
26 For the next four months the Prime Minister 's horse still has to be kept in Quarantine in Moscow and in London , Then finally John Majors will get the birthday present he never really wanted in the first place .
27 A short while after the evening at St James 's Palace , I was very kindly invited to the First Annual NCH 's George Thomas Society Lecture , held at the Cafe Royal .
28 When Churchill gave his first broadcast , suggesting that the Labour Party might have to resort to ‘ some form of Gestapo , no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance ’ , the electors were bound to regard it as a gross exaggeration ; Attlee , following the next night , could readily ask his audience to distinguish between ‘ Winston Churchill , the great leader in war of a united nation , and Mr Churchill the party leader of the Conservatives ’ .
29 Prudhoe , who was never seriously troubled in the first half the closest he came to conceding a goal was when the under pressure Kevan Smith had to touch behind a dangerous cross by Mark Stuart was in the wars shortly after half time .
30 The deception , trick or ruse that forms the one essential element in the interaction of the fabliau characters is most frequently an impromptu action , very commonly occurring in the first instance as an example of a native cunning attributed to women , an ingenuity in lying and deceit that women have .
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