Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] was [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhere I had read that a gentleman is one who never causes pain ; perhaps I was trying to be a gentleman .
2 The magistrate did not consider a barrack changing-room to be a proper address , and so I was ordered to be confined in a bail hostel in Camden Town while social reports were completed .
3 Perhaps she was meaning to be sympathetic .
4 Perhaps everything was going to be all right , after all .
5 I 'd have been a lot more worried if I 'd known how much it was going to be
6 Perhaps he was trying to be hospitable — not an easy task for him when she was the guest !
7 It looked tiny , no more than an emergency shelter , which of course was all it was intended to be .
8 Oh yes anything that happened down the glen or way was heard that from the pack man so it was bound to be true .
9 So it was designed to be attractive to look at , but with curves , ovals and an absence of straight lines to make it difficult to swim in .
10 This can hardly be to deny the emperor 's gift but is certainly the action of a realist , to whom arguments from later , and perhaps what was seen to be better , evidence , are important .
11 Because the two subjects were approached separately what was going to be one piece became almost like two stories .
12 Luke Calder was getting under her skin , and unless she acted quickly she was going to be in serious trouble .
13 Only later did Oliver Michaels come back with the sobering news that the hotel was strangely full of policemen , that there was no breakfast to be had save for coffee and muffins , without a trek to the Albion Hotel , and moreover there was thought to be something odd about Sir Thomas 's death which no one would specify .
14 Technically he was meant to be in bed .
15 That 's correct sir , P C was behind the shield like he was told to be .
16 She did n't know ; all she knew was that she adored him more than before and she wanted him more desperately , therefore inevitably she was going to be more hurt than the first time .
17 Now she was going to be nasty .
18 A feeling that I had run a terrible risk and now everything was going to be all right .
19 Now he was reported to be at the Mamounia in order to work on a book entitled The Mighty and the Meek .
20 Well I was expecting to be when I got there .
21 But today it was going to be different .
22 Well it was going to be a pound was n't it , not two pounds that will be an awful lot .
23 A century ago it was considered to be as good as the Normande , and better as a butcher 's beast , but a combination of war and frontier changes led to its deterioration ; it was crossed with Danish Red as well as Belgian Red to form the Flemish Red , which is usually whole red , though some have mottled or blazed faces .
24 But I mean , then I was bound to be very bored , except
25 Then she was asked to be the local carnival queen .
26 If she was going to be devoured , well then She was going to be devoured .
27 Maybe everything was going to be all right .
28 Maybe there was going to be a gleam of light this morning .
29 Maybe it was going to be like the Cultural Revolution in China and we were all going to be given the chance to team up with the aliens .
30 Then it was meant to be Detroit , Chicago , St Louis and work its way west and end in Los Angeles but word of mouth , the cover story in Rolling Stone which Tony coerced out of them , and various other things created such a sensation that they lengthened it .
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