Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] is [adj] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps there is much that we can learn from observing our children .
2 The use of different flowers for each picture means that each design stands on its own but when the pictures are placed together it is obvious that they form a pair .
3 Naturally it is disappointing that I am not able to play in some tournaments but there is nothing I can do about that .
4 Perhaps it is better that you are with a wardrobe .
5 Perhaps it is true that everything points back to one 's youth : as a teenager Winters began a bottle collection after discovering a drugstore basement full of abandoned glass containers .
6 These words are well past her point of failure in the Schonell Test ( that is , ten consecutive errors ) , and so it is possible that she had reached a level of frustration : feeling that all the words were too difficult she ceased to think carefully about whether what she was writing down was likely , and simply put down anything that came to mind .
7 Most radio stations in non-NPN states had already stopped taking the national news from FRCN in Lagos , and so it is probable that they too ignored the event .
8 Sometimes the deed is a substitute for thought , and so it is likely that there was a primal crime ; they did actually kill the father and devour him .
9 Most commentators would agree that Britain is likely to become a more technological society in future years and so it is likely that there will be an increased demand for a skilled workforce .
10 Our work so far has obviously only been of a preliminary nature , but even so it is clear that there are many strands in the concept of participation and public involvement in decision-making related to novel energy systems .
11 So it is clear that our first approach ( demonstrated in Fig. 2.20 ) had no general validity .
12 All of these will be dealt with at that major conference so it is important that we are there .
13 So it is important that your GP thinks carefully about how much medicine you need .
14 So it is unlikely that we could successfully prosecute either of them , even if we were willing to accept the expense and loss of time involved .
15 This is unfair criticism — Gooch produces a mass of indicative , albeit necessarily speculative , evidence in favour of his hypothesis — but nevertheless it is true that our knowledge of the past is and has to be based on the artefacts surviving from that past : lacking the artefacts , all we can do is make an educated deduction .
16 If we had included more papers in the sample the coverage might have appeared more dense , but nevertheless it is clear that it is a minority of unusual cases which get most press exposure .
17 Nevertheless it is likely that there is some extended emission associated with the young SNR which should be detectable by Rosat .
18 However , the actual time taken to cover a kilometre will almost certainly have varied substantially between road types , thus it is possible that their subjects did not actually have more to report in the shopping areas .
19 Thus it is ironic that he more than once offers a cold-hearted appraisal of the junior hobbits ' utility .
20 Thus it is essential that we keep in mind that notions which may now seem ‘ normal ’ and ‘ natural ’ are in fact , as with most things , social and cultural constructs determined by a complex of reasons and situations .
21 Thus it is clear that you need to work on the fast twitch muscles if you want to improve your speed .
22 Thus it is clear that it is owing to her body that a woman is defective . )
23 Thus it is clear that our typical inhabitant is a peasant living in European Russia .
24 Nonetheless it is important that you learn to break history books down into their original skeletal form .
25 So before we proceed further it is important that we look at the units and measurement of temperature , pressure and volume .
26 Similarly it is likely that it is the basis of the injunction that ‘ you must never swear in the hearing of your bees ’ .
27 Now she is sure that we are lovers . ’
28 Now it is clear that we do sometimes have alternative ways of determining guilt and innocence to our own satisfaction and it therefore makes sense to think of a fair trial as a trial designed to produce the correct verdict where correctness is assessable by some other objective standards , but in many cases this is not so and in practice the correct verdict is simply the one which is reached after a fair trial .
29 Perhaps once , in the past , your political life was adequately organized , but now it is clear that there is laziness and selfishness in every part of the system .
30 Now it is important that you find out about your blood pressure , because again erm if that is , is rising it 's putting your
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