Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] it [is] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So what it 's talking about there is how you can actually define a group .
2 Speaking as a single parent who was left with children of twelve and eight , it is very hard and I often think it would be a good thing if social workers were better able to explain to young girls who are left with babies , just what it 's going to be like .
3 Unfortunately it was received too late to go through the formal council procedure , but I do hope that you allow me to hand it to the council secretary later who it is addressed to .
4 Mhm so I mean well it it 's gon na be an archive and maybe people can who want to analyse everyday language can get tape recordings from it and er y'know perhaps it can be used in scholarship , perhaps it can be used in socio-linguistics or whatever .
5 So who 's going to be the next manager of Oxford United … the shortlist is being drawn up this weekend … the appointment will be made early next week … we ca n't tell you yet who it 's going to be but we can tell the Manor Ground directors who you want …
6 Heterosexism ensures that the gut reaction of every heterosexual woman and young woman , as well as many lesbian workers and young lesbians , is to deny the ‘ accusation ’ — for that is certainly what it is meant to be .
7 Er , on paragraph nine the government 's own figures show that there is a shortfall of glee while the others who have a a social conscience , a and that they 've mixed , the site provision is n't keeping pace with the growth of the number of caravans and yet , what it 's proposing to do in this paper will make the situation worse by removing any incentive erm and any requirement on local authorities actually to provide the sites that are needed to make up that shortfall and it 's quite clear that what this is about is actually what it is happening in housing in general and that is shifting provision from the pri , from the public to the private sector .
8 Essentially what it 's talking about it inward investment on small scale .
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