Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] it [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , would n't necessarily suggesting that the existing settlement would have to sustain all of the addition given only what it 's got at the moment .
2 Although the operation would not disclose just what it managed to contribute to Sun 's coffers in the last financial year , SunExpress president , Dorothy Terell , agreed that it had lived up to expectations — of around $150m — predicted by Scott McNealy when SunExpress was introduced .
3 Our political allies in the Labour Party should spell out exactly what it means to work in an unsafe environment , and last but not least , we should push the message of the National Health and Safety Conference of last year , better safe than sorry .
4 That is partly what it means to speak of the interconnections of race , class , and gender .
5 Chorus Systemes SA minority stockholder Unix System Labs has yet to state clearly what it intends doing with Chorus ' technology .
6 got a very low test statistic either in terms of kie or F right so we have n't reached but the model is still a poor model because we do n't have erm er stable parameters , right , so you would actually reject this model as it stands , alright , because it did n't pass the diagnostic test statistics but there is no point generating parameters w if they , if they are not constant and you 're gon na say elastic demand is one point four six or really it it 's ranged between minus three plus , plus six over the sample , so you put estimate means so it must have constant parameters .
7 And I knew what it stood for , now what it does stand for Tri Nitro Toluene , it 's what you make bombs out of .
8 Well it it 's got ta be seen to believe .
9 The Conservative Party ( CP ) described them as " a recipe for revolution " , whereas the Democratic Party said that the proposals included virtually everything it had called for .
10 America has to know precisely what it wants to achieve in Bosnia — not just , vaguely , an end to the horror .
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