Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] the [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Correction : mostly I watched the women watching it .
2 Hazel stakes are unquestionably the best but when I caught rabbits professionally I had the estate make me up a set of iron stakes of only ⅜ inch ( 1 centimetre ) diameter , with a small shoulder at the top to prevent the top line sliding down the stake .
3 Eventually I interrupted the diatribe to point out that I was paying him to take me to the newspaper , not for his opinions about it .
4 ‘ I belong to the Duke of Gloucester Trust and eventually I persuaded the officials to try fitting one of my whistles .
5 Suddenly I sensed the ground disappear and for seconds we were airborne .
6 ‘ If only I had the means to set you up in a house where I could visit you . ’
7 Personally I thought the fears overdone , but nevertheless I sought to find a way of transferring the operation to the private sector which would minimize the risk of industrial action .
8 And so I took the opportunity to describe in some detail conditions in the attic .
9 Yeah , I I wrote the thing as you remember about eighteen months ago , but it had no conflict in it you know we 're all the same and stories must have conflict , so I got the house to burst the ceiling on the wife
10 As I did so I grabbed the banister to save myself .
11 Rosa ignored her , she wanted to speak so much she felt the words swelling her up inside like leaven in dough , pushing it up out of the mould until it has doubled and doubled in size .
12 Then other people could n't get enough again you see , so if they were giving you er points well naturally you had the sweets to give them , you 're not diddling anybody or anything like that .
13 So she kept the tune trapped in and it marched up and down inside her head .
14 So she let the boat pass by .
15 So who did the RFU choose to go on their look-see mission ?
16 So who did the French hang ? ’
17 Out of 10 speakers from the floor on two composite motions reaffirming the conference 's right to the final word on policy determination , only one backed the procedure adopted by the leadership for the review .
18 So we made the decision to go up Beinn Damh , not a Munro , but nevertheless a divine mountain of 902 metres situated conveniently behind the cottage .
19 So we had the end cut off and to stop him ripping the bandages off we
20 Norma Thomson , secretary of New Deer Community Association , said : ‘ Perhaps whoever did the break-in knew there would n't be a policeman going back and forth and that he would be tied up at the meeting . ’
21 Together they watched the passing parade .
22 Very gently he drew the bed covering away .
23 Suddenly he felt the car beginning to skid and in his panic trod on the brakes .
24 If I asked for money from my husband he would talk of all the expenses , of how much it cost the family to keep me .
25 Aläia was also expected to appear on the runway riding on the shoulders of Jean Paul Goude , but apparently he hid the bag containing his gold evening dress so he did n't have to do it .
26 That 's how long it took the 18-year-old to score with his first touch on his Roker Park debut .
27 How long it took the teacher to become familiar with the control of the program and to consider how to use it with his pupils .
28 A new field of activity seemed to be opening up for him if only he had the courage to grasp the nettle .
29 And would n't it be awful if he ever realized that it 's not very important to us , that we 'd rather not be safe if only he had the courage to take our safety away … "
30 Only He had the authority to forgive sins …
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