Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [vb past] [conj] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly I felt that if I explained this to her , it would make her safe , impotent , like taking out a fuse or the rotor arm .
2 Perhaps I thought that if it was Billy 's kid , then somebody had to tell Lucy the bad news and if she was skipping probation , it had better not be the cops .
3 So I said that so he would stop thinking .
4 So I said that if he , if he went with Rudy , I know he 'd have off and he just grins do n't you ?
5 So I thought that if I climbed the fence I 'd be able to reach the entrance and the machine where I can buy some chocolate .
6 Leith was about to state , quite forcefully , that she was there to work , not to flirt with every male who chanced his arm , when suddenly she realised that if he knew she had worked for Vasey 's for only a short while then there was a fair chance either someone from Personnel , or Mr Catham , had given him a brief run-down on each employee before he met them .
7 When I asked why this was so she explained that since her husband died she had been managing well and felt that she had coped with all the trauma .
8 Deep inside she knew that if he had tried she would have repulsed him , and she looked out of the window at the moonlit sky .
9 So we paid that because they wanted and then we had to pay for stock .
10 They told you everything about the company , what their plans were , how much they earned and so you felt part of the team .
11 When he says that erm that sort of , that 's what the C C P leadership thought and so they thought that if they were n't getting the land then something must be going wrong with the policy
12 Perhaps he thought that if he made a success of the concert party , word would get around amongst show business that here was someone to keep an eye on , and his big chance might come ; that someone important in the music world might come up to him with a contract in his hand and sign him up for the next ten years as a successor to Sir Malcolm Sargeant .
13 So he knew that if he instructed Marshalls to act for him they would charge him their normal fees for their work .
14 So he learnt that if he gave a little he could expect a reward .
15 So it looked as though there was little reason for her to think of backing out of the deal they were planning .
16 Maybe she could n't offer guarantees , but somehow she knew that if anyone could save this baby , Niall was that person .
17 She had gathered her robes around her , sunk to the ground and then had lifted her hand to her face ( so painfully it looked as though her wrist was broken ) with exactly the same gesture with which this man now covered his eyes .
18 Bryony if you get your foot underneath it like you did before when you kicked the footrest down and then your foot went underneath the buggy and you screamed did n't you ?
19 Now I raised that because I think it is a very very serious threat to our efficiency , in project engineering .
20 Now you said that if I gave you X cos squared three X it might be a bit easier to integrate .
21 Each seemingly fond gesture had wound her up until now she felt as though she were a prisoner in a cell , wondering what her torturer had in mind for her next .
22 Now she thought that if she had to clear the table once more , put the few plates in the dish-washer , put the cereal packet away , brush the crumbs from the table top , she would scream and go on screaming : scream until the plaster started to crack from the walls and the neighbours gathered to stand whispering outside the window and the cat fled in terror .
23 She had nagged me to accept it , but now she behaved as though I had done her a disservice by doing so .
24 Paul Lane had warned him that Phyllis liked to play things her own way , and now it looked as though she did indeed .
25 And now it looked as though she would n't be living here after all .
26 For a long time he had wondered about the history of this little family , now it looked as though he was going to find out .
27 Well we realized that when we had the windows changed .
28 Yes , well we decided that if they were bilingual they could still be used in
29 Well it did because once you know we went over the moors
30 So coming here it felt as though we 'd uprooted and , they would never get their roots down because they were n't really
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