Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [modal v] [verb] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So I could have for instance thirty two tape devices running in parallel to back up my database .
2 Erm , so I 'd go for express .
3 Finally you must always tell them that if they 're stranded anywhere , they must ring you — and that somehow you will arrange for transport home .
4 It 's good knowing that there 's somewhere you can go for advice .
5 Overall I 'd go for Hoddle .
6 Now I 'll go for number eleven .
7 Well you will find for instance that three times as many people will strongly oppose and was strongly in favour , something omitted from the report in front of me and there are eight per cent there that were indifferent .
8 Here you can shop for bargain priced wines , leather goods and other souvenirs before returning to Innsbruck , the capital of the Tirol .
9 To him at least I could turn for assistance .
10 Then you can signal for help in the approved method , raising and lowering your arms slowly .
11 On the state of the oriental market in London at present , Roger Keverne , director of the recently-opened New Oriental Gallery in Davies Street commented that , ‘ there are people out there who will pay for quality ’ while noting that his opening exhibition in December carried a wide range of objects priced from £500 to £55,000 .
12 If you have to stay away overnight you can arrange for accommodation to be found for you and paid for by ES .
13 Maybe we can meet for lunch ? ’
14 Maybe we should go for kevin Hird as mgr : - ) )
15 Grab a chair then , we 'll just have a quick debrief and then we 'll break for lunch .
16 Shall we just look in here and then we 'll have for lunch ?
17 Ca can I say , I 'm attempting to stick with two A er , I think I 'll take Mr Grantham , and then we 'll adjourn for lunch .
18 Then we could make for home , and you could meet Mother . ’
19 He said all along he wanted to go to Manchester City , but if he could n't go there he would sign for Palace , ’ said Coppell .
20 Aha , yes cos again I 'd go for assistance on that , you know
21 I remember saying that there were dangerous days ahead which would call for faithfulness and courage , quoting the text from the Psalms : ‘ He will not be afraid of any evil tidings , for his heart standeth fast in the Lord . ’
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