Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But I 'd bought the wrong weedkiller , it was Tumbleweed and I found out later it 's only lethal to tropical fish , apparently I should have bought pathklear which is much stronger .
2 To a large extent of course the Queen was able to make up for the loss by grants of double , triple , and even quadruple subsidies , but in doing so she may have encouraged resistance .
3 So you could have done research of er very clever nature in his back room basically ?
4 In spite of her own feminism and socialism her films are not propagandist or didactic , as she was very well aware that : ‘ We were not engaged to indulge our own politics or socialism , however much we would have found satisfaction in doing so ’ .
5 That that 's just I would have said Chairman anyway I would have probably have taken
6 Normally I would have taken time to think , and said something polite , but somehow I answered at once , ‘ No , sir . ’
7 That 's not like Dot , I felt if she 'd been called away she 'd have got word to me somehow so … so that 's why I rang the Firm .
8 I invite the student of the air war to compute Harris 's achievements with 1,625 aircraft and consider how much sooner we could have achieved victory in Europe had he the support of the promised 3,500 aircraft , and the entire Chiefs-of-Staff Committee .
9 Only now did it occur to her how easily he could have taken advantage of the situation .
10 If she had made it just a few feet further she would have found safety in the homely atmosphere of the estate where she lives with her family .
11 I thought by now I should be at home , I thought by now I should have secured peace , or died honourably in the attempt .
12 Well you could have gone sort of like round the Rainbow and that way on .
13 Well you should have turned heating
14 A hundred years ago they might have made sense , due to ignorance : like the child said , there 'd been talk of witches .
15 A year ago it would have made headline news .
16 A few weeks ago it would have scored claw marks on her heart .
17 Then I must have lost consciousness . ’
18 Then ye could have prepared yersel' . ’
19 Her mum and dad said maybe she should have done gym , but her grandmother shook her head .
20 If you find yourself offering justifications and elaborate explanations for your opinions about the employee 's performance then you will have lost control over the meeting .
21 Our safety regulations er dictate that they be a certain distance from the crowd , so that if anything did go wrong , the aircraft would be able to er get out of the way , but no , there is not going to be any danger at all , they 'll make their approaches to the base as if they were attacking , and then we 'll have simulated ground bursts , a large fire as it were , on the ground , it will be going off , providing the sound effects for it , but it 's going to be just a great thing to sit and watch .
22 Maybe they should have had foresight and er this would n't have happened at Bilsthorpe .
23 If Labour had accepted PR , and the possibility of an agreement with the Liberal Democrats to introduce it , then it could have ensured defeat for the Conservatives by giving the Lib Dems a clear run in as few as 20 seats .
24 If he had made up his mind to see her again , then he would have moved heaven and earth to accomplish it .
25 But then he could have turned north to the Tay in safety .
26 She could n't do much yet , and was certainly not fit to take a job — otherwise she would have made Breeze go to Edinburgh , and gone down to Penzance herself .
27 ‘ I 'm glad he was n't , ’ said the male , ‘ or else we might have had trouble . ’
28 Going home later in the afternoon , Matthew said , " Unfortunately I 'm going out this evening , otherwise we might have had dinner together . "
29 Otherwise we would have given way to the big guy with the muscle to push and not to Joe Public .
30 However , the party did not follow this line ; otherwise they would have opposed independence for the more advanced Poland , Finland , the Baltic States and the Ukraine , and supported it only for the more backward minorities .
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