Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] we [am/are] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The ones that smile , incidentally , usually go the bankruptcy court , so I think we 're in good shape here .
2 But now , I think , there are signs that er things are beginning to pick up , certainly we 're being told things are beginning to pick up and I think probably as an office generally , we 're experiencing that upturn , although er every time we get some special job in , suddenly we think we are at the end of a recession and perhaps , you know , it 's the next job that really we ought to be looking to .
3 Just we got we 're on the move
4 Now I know we are at war with the German People " .
5 Right , now we turn we 're on page twenty nine .
6 Well I think we 're on the right , on the right side of it .
7 It 's not necessarily done with bad intentions , but unless there 's much greater flow in and out , then I fear we 're on a downward path .
8 Then it seems we 're at an impasse until … ’ began Rohmer .
9 Certainly I think we 're in very great danger of Leeds Bradford , if we start pushing things a great deal more .
10 We 're public figures and so therefore we know we 're in the firing line .
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